24views 0shareA shorter description of this saint is available here: Saint Nicholas of Tolentino, was born in 1245 in the town of Sant’Angelo in Pontano, Italy. He was the son of devoutly…
Category: Catholic Saints
Life of Saint Lucia of Syracuse
45views 0shareA shorter summary of her life can be read here: Saint Lucia was a Christian martyr and saint who lived in the 3rd century. She is known for her bravery and…
Life of Pope Saint Damasus
67views 0shareShorter Summary here: Saint Damasus was the bishop of Rome from 366 to 384. He is known for his leadership during a time of great political and religious upheaval, and for…
Life of Saint Eulalia of Mérida
144views 0shareYou can read a shorter version of the life of Saint Eulalia here: Saint Eulalia of Mérida was a Christian martyr and saint who lived in the 4th century. She is…
Life of Pope Saint Miltiades
120views 0shareSaint Miltiades, shorter summary of his life: Saint Miltiades was a bishop of Rome who lived in the early 4th century. He is best known for his leadership during the persecutions…
Life of Saint Ambrose
38views 0shareYou can read a shorter summary of the life of St. Ambrose here: Saint Ambrose, (Aurelius Ambrosius) also known as Saint Ambrose of Milan, was born in 339 in the city…
Life of St. Nicholas of Bari
29views 0shareYou can read a shorter summary of the life of this great saint here: Saint Nicholas of Bari, also known as Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, was born in the third century…
Life of Saint Sabas
31views 0shareYou can find a shorter summary of the life of Saint Sabas here: Saint Sabas, also known as Saint Sabas the Sanctified or Saint Sabas the Elder, was born in 439…
The Divine Motherhood of Our Lady, October 11
76views 1shareCatholic Feast The most glorious title of the Blessed Virgin, and the reason for all her greatness and privileges, is to be the Mother of God. At the celebration of the…
Saint Nicholas of Tolentino, September 10
180views 1shareConfessor. Glory of the Order of Hermits of Saint Augustine, Saint Nicholas is one of the most miraculous Saints in the Church. But the greatest of his miracles was putting an…
Commemoration of Saint Gorgonius of Nicomedia, September 9
131views 1shareMartyr. Employed in Diocletian’s imperial palace, he converted all his companions to the faith. In the end, he and Doroteo, hanged and torn apart, their entrails split open and sprinkled with…
Saint Adrian of Nicomedia, September 8
199views 1shareMartyr. He was pagan; But he was fortunate enough to marry a very fervent Christian girl, Natalia, who converted him to the faith, and soon struggled for martyrdom, without separating from…
Saint Lawrence Justinian, 5 September
146views 3sharesBishop and Confessor. From an illustrious Venetian family, for the love of Christ crucified he renounced an advantageous marriage and all the delights of the world, to consecrate himself to God…
Saint Stephen I, King of Hungary, September 2
143views 2sharesConfessor. Descendant of the barbarian Huns, he converted his vassals to Christ and marvelously raised the culture of his kingdom, which he consecrated to the Virgin Mary and made fiefdom of…
Commemoration of Saint Giles, September 1
115views 3sharesAbbot. He was an Athenian, of royal descent; Famous for his miracles, he moved away from his homeland to hide in a forest on the banks of the Rhone, where he…
Saint Raymond Nonnatus, August 31
255views 4sharesConfessor. He is called Nonnatus (non natus, unborn), because he was removed from the entrails of his deceased mother. From a noble Catalan family, the Blessed Virgin called him to the…
Saint Rose of Lima, August 30
120views 3sharesVirgin. The most beautiful rose that has sprouted on American soil in the first century of Spanish rule, is the Virgin of Lima, who deserved to hear from the lips of…
Saint Sabina of Rome, August 29
189views 5sharesMartyr. Roman matron of high birth status, died beheaded for the Christian faith in 126. V: Saint Sabina.A: Pray for us. Info of the Saint: Feast August 29 Born 2nd centuryRome…
Saint Hermes, August 28
131views 4sharesMartyr. A person of high position, it was because of his faith that he was beheaded in Rome at the beginning of the second century, in the year 116. V: Saint…
Saint Augustine of Hippo, August 28
131views 3sharesBishop, Confessor and Doctor. He was born in Thagaste, Africa. His powerful intelligence lost in the study of philosophy and sects, and his fiery heart dominated by the passions of youth,…