104views 1shareThe obstacles to consent are all those factors that take away or lessen the voluntariness of an act. Thus, the actual obstacles that affect the intellect are reduced to ignorance, spoken…
Category: Moral Theology
Kinds of Voluntary Acts (MT #11)
156views 1share A voluntary act is free or necessary, according as one can or cannot abstain from it. The vision of God in heaven is voluntary to the blessed, since they look…
Knowledge Requisite for a Human Act (MT #10)
276views 1shareKnowledge Requisite for a Human Act An act is human, or voluntary, when it is deliberately desired; and, since nothing can be deliberately desired unless it is known, an act done…
Acts as Human (MT #9)
90views 1share(Summa Theologica, I-II, qq. 6-17.) Human acts are a means to man’s Last End, inasmuch as they are meritorious: Labors that deserve a recompense (I Cor., iii. 8) Struggles that deserve…
Article 1: The Last End of Man (MT #8)
52views 1share(Summa Theologica, I-II, qq. 1-5; Contra Gentes, IV, cc. 1-63.) Existence of the Last End Every deliberate act proceeds from the will, and, since the will pursues good as its goal, it…
The Division and Order of Parts in Moral Theology (MT #7)
231views 1shareThe arrangement of his matter made by St. Thomas Aquinas in the Summa Theologica is admittedly unsurpassed and unsurpassable in the qualities that good distribution should have, viz., clearness, connection between parts, completeness….
The History of Moral Theology (MT #6)
140views 1shareThere are three periods in the history of Moral Theology: the Patristic, the Medieval, and the Modern. The Patristic Period (1st to 12th century) The moral writings of the Fathers are…
The method to be followed in moral theology (MT #5)
140views 1shareMoral Theology is served not only by the various branches of philosophy such as: Ethics Theodicy Psychology Logic But also by many of the natural sciences. Thus: Medicine and Physiology are…
The Sources of Moral Theology (MT #4)
434views 1shareThe Sources of Moral Theology, therefore, are: Holy scripture Tradition The decisions of Popes, Councils, and Congregations, Laws, etc. The authority of Doctors and theologians Natural reason. Holy scripture “All scripture,…
The Objects of Moral Theology (MT #3)
117views 1share The central theme or object of Moral Theology, which is considered for its own sake and to which all else is secondary (objectum formale quod), is God as the supernatural…
Introduction to Moral Theology (MT #2)
55views 1shareThe following text comes from the book titled: Moral Theology A Complete Course Based on St. Thomas Aquinas and the Best Modern Authorities. This text is in the public domain, and…
Treatise on Moral Theology (MT #1)
49views 1shareThe following text is the preface of the book titled: Moral Theology A Complete Course Based on St. Thomas Aquinas and the Best Modern Authorities. This text is in the public…