46views 0shareThe apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe is a well-known event in the history of the Catholic Church. It took place in the early 16th century, in the present-day Mexico City….
Category: Catholic Feasts
In Defense of the Immaculate Conception
89views 1shareOn the 8th of December, Catholics celebrate the definition of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is the dogma that defines that Mary, the mother…
Nativity of Our Lady, September 8
163views 1shareCatholic Feast. “Your birth, oh Virgin Mary!, Was joyful news for the world; because from You was born the Sun of righteousness, Christ our Lord, who by destroying the curse gave…
Our Lady of Guadalupe (Extremadura, Spain) September 6
210views 2sharesCatholic Feast. (This feast is not to be confused with the Apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe of Mexico.) Among the famous sanctuaries that are raised throughout the Spanish territory in…
Beheading of Saint John the Baptist, August 29
104views 3sharesCatholic Feast. “That is not lawful for you!” The Baptist said to Herod with unbreakable strength, who was publicly living in adultery with his sister-in-law Herodias. The evil female swore mortal…
Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, August 22
104views 2sharesFeast. It is only just that, with the triumphant spread of the salubrious devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus throughout the world, we also pay fervent worship to the…
The Assumption of Our Lady, August 15
63views 2sharesCatholic Feast. The Mother of God went through the trance of death; but her death, caused by love and desire to be with her Divine Son, was similar to a most…
Vigil of the Assumption, August 14
71views 1shareCatholic Feast. Today is the day to purify our spirit and prepare it to celebrate the glorious triumph of the Mother of God. V: Most Blessed Mother.A: Pray for us. 71views…
Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ, August 6
244views 1shareCatholic Feast. This feast was extended to the entire Church by the Spanish Pope Calixto III, to commemorate the victory of the Cross on the walls of Belgrade, where the proud…
Dedication of the Basilica of St Mary of the Snows, August 5
29views 1shareDedication of the patriarchal basilica of Saint Mary Major, named that way for being the greatest of all the temples in Rome consecrated to the Mother of God. It is also…
The Invention of St. Stephen Or The Discovery Of His Relics, August 3
105views 1shareCatholic Feast. Protomartyr. At the beginning of the century the sacred relics of the Holy Protomartyr were discovered, and solemnly transferred to Jerusalem. This is the feast that the Church celebrates…
The Triumph of the Holy Cross July 17
262views 2sharesFeast. It is celebrated in Spain. The glorious crusade of the Spanish Reconquest, which began in the mountains of Asturias and ended in the fertile plain of Granada, is one of…
Our Lady of Mount Carmel July 16
103views 2sharesCatholic Feast. From Mount Carmel there appeared in Europe in the 13th century, along with the Crusaders, some hermits called Brothers of Saint Mary of Mount Carmel. Its rule was approved…
Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary July 2
74views 1shareCatholic Feast. Barely had the mystery of the Incarnation of the Word taken place, when Mary went from Nazareth to Judea to visit and assist her cousin St. Elizabeth. To the…
Feast of the Holy Family, January 10
92views 1shareCatholic Feast. Today the humble little house of Nazareth opens before our eyes, where Jesus, Mary and Joseph sanctify family life with ineffable virtues, so that we can imitate them in…
Epiphany of Our Lord, January 6
38views 1shareCatholic Feast. Epiphany means manifestation. On this day Jesus manifests himself to the Gentile world, represented in the Magi from the East. Isaiah sees kings and nations, who come from across…
Most Holy Name of Jesus, January 3
155views 1shareCatholic Feast. In the act of Circumcision, by divine decree, imparted first to Mary (Lk. I, 31) and then to Joseph (Mt. I, 31), the Child God received the name Jesus….
Feast of the Sacred Relics, November 5
71views 1shareCatholic Feast The Church today celebrates the Relics of the Saints that are venerated in their own Churches. The altar of each altar carries a sepulcher, where relics are kept. There…
Feast of All Saints, November 1
45views 1shareCatholic Feast Today the Catholic Church celebrates not only the Canonized Saints, but, together with them, all the souls who left this world in the grace of God, and purified in…
Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King
54views 1shareCatholic Feast In the temporal order, Jesus Christ is King of the whole world. Whoever denies it would be seriously wrong, since He has received from the Father an absolute dominion…