Catholic Feast.
(This feast is not to be confused with the Apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe of Mexico.)
Among the famous sanctuaries that are raised throughout the Spanish territory in honor of the Mother of God, one of the most famous is that of Our Lady of Guadalupe, in Extremadura, which presided over the last feats of the Reconquest and the expansion of national power.
On October 12, 1928, she was canonically crowned “Queen of the Spanish world” (Hispaniarum Regina) or “of the Spains” by the Cardinal Primate of Spain, Pedro Segura, special legate of S.S. Pius XI, in the presence of King Alfonso XIII, whose Latin inscription with the title, “Sancta María de Guadalupe, Gratia Plena, Mater Dei, Hispaniarum Regina, Ora pro nobis peccatoribus” is engraved in the lustrina of the Imperial Crown, being the only carrier with this official and canonical distinction, in addition, in Spain she is the only Virgin with an imperial crown.
V: Our Lady of Guadalupe.
A: Pray for us.
Info of the Feast:
Feast | September 6 |
Instituted | Oct. 12, 1928 |
Origin | Spain |
Related Devotions | Virgin of Guadalupe Mexico |
Related Prayers | – The Salve Regina – Prayer in Thanksgiving for Our Lady’s Privileges – The Magnificat – Prayer to the Immaculate Heart of Mary |

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