97views 3sharesConfessor. (1556-1648). Among the great educators of the people, our Saint Joseph Calasanz stands out. He was born in Peralta de la Sal, in Huesca. After an exemplary life in priestly…
Category: Catholic Saints
Commemoration of Pope Saint Zephyrinus, August 26
70views 4sharesPope and Martyr. Against the Sabellian heretics he defended the dogma of the Holy Trinity. He ruled the Church in peace for eighteen years and suffered martyrdom in the persecution of…
Saint Micaela of the Blessed Sacrament, August 25
99views 3sharesVirgin. (1809-1885). She was born in Madrid, of noble descent. From a young age, she devoted herself to reforming fallen girls and preserving those in danger. Her love for the Eucharist…
Saint Louis IX King of France, August 25
94views 1shareKing and Confessor. First cousin of Saint Ferdinand, he was very Christianly educated by his mother, the great Queen of France, Blanche of Castile. From the throne he shone with heroic…
Saint Bartholomew, August 24
71views 2sharesApostle and Martyr. Saint Bartholomew (son of Ptolemy) is supposed to be Nathanael himself, whose first interview with Jesus is described by Saint John in his Gospel. (John 1:45) He evangelized…
Saint Philip Benizi, August 23
148views 2sharesConfessor. A native of Florence, he entered the Order of the Servites, of which he became Superior General. Throughout almost all of Europe and much of Asia he missioned and extended…
Saints Timothy, Hipólito and Sinforiano, August 22
50views 1shareMartyrs. On this day, but with a distance of many years and in various places, martyrdom was suffered by: Saint Timothy, cleric of Antioch, beheaded in Rome in 311, Saint Hippolytus,…
Saint Jane Frances de Chantal August 21
79views 1shareWidow. Disciple of Saint Francis de Sales, and with him co-founded of the Order of the Visitation, she sanctified herself as a single woman by her horror of the Huguenot heresy;…
Saint Bernard of Clairvaux August 20
138views 2sharesAbbot and Doctor. (1091-1153). He is, non other than the founder, the admirable propagator and the most illustrious ornament of the Cistercian Order, the guide of the twelfth century, the promoter…
Saint John Eudes, August 19
166views 2sharesConfessor. Educated by the Jesuits, and a congregant of the Blessed Virgin, he founded in 1643 the Institute of Jesus and Mary, also called Eudists, dedicated to missions and seminaries. In…
Commemoration of Saint Agapitus of Palestrina, August 18
96views 2sharesMartyr. A fifteen-year-old boy who was beheaded for being a Christian in Palestrina, Italy, in the year 275. V: Saint Agapitus.A: Pray for us. Info of the Saint: Feast August 18…
Saint Hyacinth of Poland August 17
119views 2sharesConfessor. Of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans), he missioned for forty years to Austria, Poland and Scandinavia; he ruled and propagated his Order, and wrought innumerable wonders. V: Saint Hyacinth.A: Pray…
Saint Joachim, Father of Our Lady, August 16
50views 2sharesConfessor. Among all the Saints, Saint Joachim was preferred to be the father of the Mother of God. Great, then, is his dignity, and great is the power of his intercessory…
Saint Eusebius of Rome August 14
57views 1shareConfessor. A hermit in the fourth century, he fought the Arians and, imprisoned in his home for six months, rested with a death similar to martyrdom. V: Saint Eusebius.A: Pray for…
Commemoration of Saints Hippolytus and Cassiano, August 13
74views 1shareMartyrs. Saint Hippolytus, converted and baptized by Saint Lawrence, gave his life for Christ, dragged by wild horses. Saint Cassian, a schoolmaster, was handed over by the tyrant to his own…
Saint Clare of Assisi August 12
137views 1shareVirgin. Led by St. Francis, she founded the second Franciscan Order for women, called Poor Clares, of great austerity and poverty, and widely propagated in the Church. She worked great wonders…
Commemoration of Saints Tiburcio and Susana, August 11
84views 1shareMartyrs. Tiburcio, son of the Prefect of Rome, walked unharmed through the flames, and said to his executioners: “That you may know, that the only God is that of Christians. “…
Saint Lawrence August 10
57views 1shareDeacon and Martyr. No Saint, after Saint Peter and Saint Paul, was celebrated in Rome with greater enthusiasm than the Spanish Saint Lawrence, the third protector of the Eternal City. His…
Saint Roman of Rome, August 9
58views 2sharesMartyr. He was a Roman soldier, who, admiring the courage of Saint Lawrence, asked to receive baptism and went ahead first to receive the crown of martyrdom. V: Saint Roman.A: Pray…
Saint John Vianney, (Curé d’Ars), August 9
125views 4sharesConfessor. (1786-1859). In the middle of the 19th century, the humble priest of the village of Ars, of little brightness for ecclesiastical studies, but intimately united with God through prayer, penance…