84views 3sharesPope and Martyr. Source: Catholic Encyclopedia The second successor of St. Peter. Whether he was the same as Cletus, who is also called Anencletus as well as Anacletus, has been the…
Author: Celestine Claret
Saints Nabor and Felix July 12
142views 2sharesSoldiers and Martyrs. These two legionaries died for Christ in Milan under the tyranny of Diocletian (303). V: Saints Nabor and Felix.A: Pray for us. 142views 3shares
Saint John Gualbert July 12
225views 1shareAbbot. As a young man he followed the militia. One Good Friday, while surrounded by soldiers, he stumbled upon his brother’s murderer, who, outstretched his arms, asked for forgiveness out of…
Pope Saint Pius I July 11
34views 2sharesPope and Martyr. This Pontiff ruled the Church from 152 to 155. He established the Easter feast on Sunday, the center of the entire liturgical year, and as he resided as…
Saints Rufina and Secunda July 10
170views 1shareVirgins and Martyrs. In the third century, two sisters, Rufina and Secunda, virgins consecrated to Christ, were tormented and slaughtered for refusing to marry (257). It is, therefore, today the feast…
The Seven Holy Brothers July 10
70views 1shareMartyrs. In the second century, year 162, the seven sons of Saint Felicity, a noble Roman lady. The sons, who were supported in combat by the incomparable mother, suffered glorious martyrdom…
Saint Elizabeth, Queen of Portugal July 8
64views 2sharesQueen and Widow. She was the daughter of Pedro III of Aragon, granddaughter of the great Jaime I the conqueror and niece-granddaughter of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary (Nov. 19), whose heroic…
Prayer of St Ignatius
94views 1sharePrayer. TAKE, O LORD, all my liberty. Receive my memory, understanding, and entire will. Thou hast bestowed on me whatever I have or possess: I give all back to Thee, and…
Saints Cyril and Methodius July 7
40views 1shareHoly Bishops and Confessors. In the 9th century, the Slavic race, which spread throughout Eastern Europe, was brought to the knowledge of Christ through the apostolic work of these two holy…
Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity
398views 2sharesPrayer. I ADORE Thee, O my GOD, one GOD in three Persons; I annihilate myself before thy Majesty. Thou alone art being, life, truth, beauty, and goodness. I glorify Thee, I…
Saint Anthony Mary Zaccaria July 5
62views 1shareConfessor. At a very young age, he founded the Order of Regular Clerics of Saint Paul, called Barnabas, because they were in charge of an old church of Saint Barnabas in…
Pope Saint Leo I the Great July 3
73views 1sharePope and Confessor. Also known as Saint Leo I the Great. This true father of the poor, of the widows and orphans occupied the apostolic chair only ten and a half…
SS Martinian and Processus July 2
93views 1shareMartyred Soldiers. They were two Roman soldiers who guarded Saint Peter in the Mamertine prison, and by him they were converted and baptized, with water that Saint Peter miraculously made flow…
Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary July 2
74views 1shareCatholic Feast. Barely had the mystery of the Incarnation of the Word taken place, when Mary went from Nazareth to Judea to visit and assist her cousin St. Elizabeth. To the…
Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ – July 1
121views 1sharePrayer. MOST Precious Blood of life eternal! price and ransom of the world! drink and bath of the soul! ever pleading the cause of man before the throne of Mercy; I…
The Sources of Moral Theology (MT #4)
446views 1shareThe Sources of Moral Theology, therefore, are: Holy scripture Tradition The decisions of Popes, Councils, and Congregations, Laws, etc. The authority of Doctors and theologians Natural reason. Holy scripture “All scripture,…
Feast of Saints Peter and Paul June 29
181views 2sharesApostles and Martyrs. Our Holy Mother Church commemorates the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul this June 29 for their martyrdom for the faith at the headquarters of Rome. Saint Peter. Saint Peter, was…
Saint Irenaeus June 28
154views 1shareBishop and Martyr. A.D. 130 – A.D. 202 Saint Irenaeus, (also known as, Irenaeus of Lyon), was a disciple of Saint Polycarp who was in turn a disciple of the Apostle…
Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
The litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was approved under the pontificate of Pope Leo XIII.
The Objects of Moral Theology (MT #3)
125views 1share The central theme or object of Moral Theology, which is considered for its own sake and to which all else is secondary (objectum formale quod), is God as the supernatural…