Among all the saints, we have a class of heroic saints who have been recognized in particular, through God’s grace, for their outstanding sufferings that materialized their desire for a Catholic order or Congregation that simply didn’t exist yet.
Catholic Orders and Congregations that have benefited humankind throughout the centuries.
I have personally benefited by some of these wonderful men and women and from experience know the great effort it takes to start and maintain a new endeavor, not to mention persevering in it through all the mortification and pains it may bring with it.
Therefore, we’ve created this compilation in honor of these accomplished saints. That more glory may be to them, through Christ Our Lord and his blessed Mother.
Catholic Saintly Founders
Saint Anthony Mary Zaccaria July 5
Founder of the Order of Regular Clerics of Saint Paul, called Barnabas.
Saint Joseph Calasanz, August 27

Founder of the Order of Poor Clerics Regular of the Mother of God of the Pious Schools, also called Piarists.
Saint Micaela of the Blessed Sacrament, August 25

Founder of the admirable Institute of Adoratrices Handmaids of the Blessed Sacrament and of Charity.
Saint Ignatius of Loyola July 31

Founder of the Society of Jesus, he founded a new model adapted to the modern age religious state, and the intense apostolate with the priestly ministry.
Saint Camillus of Lellis July 18

Founder of the heroic Order of Regular Clerics, Ministers of the sick (also called Ministers of the Good Death), who are bound by fourth vow to assist the sick, even in case of pestilence.
Saint Jerome Emiliani, July 20

Father of the orphans, he founded a congregation of clergymen in Somasca (Italy) to educate orphans and the poor.
Saint Vicent of Paul, July 19

Founder of the Congregation of the Mission (Padres Paúles), to evangelize the peoples and sanctify the priests, and the Company of the Daughters of Charity, to assist all kinds of needy.
Saint Cajetan of Thiene, August 7

Founder of the Order of the Congregation of Clerks Regular of the Divine Providence or Theatine Clerks in 1524.
Saint Clare of Assisi August 12

Founder the second Franciscan Order for women, called Poor Clares, of great austerity and poverty, and widely propagated in the Church.

To advance in your spiritual reform, kindly consider the profound meditations and pious lessons from the book:

TITLE: St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori on How to accept and love the will of God and his Divine Providence Includes quotations from St. John, Isaias, the Song of Songs, St. Bernard, etc.
AUTHOR: St. Alphonsus Liguori
EDITOR: Pablo Claret
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