45views 1shareConfessor. A Franciscan layman, he was promoted to the priestly order. He practiced very harsh penance and gave himself to prayer and contemplation. Terribly tempted against chastity, he kept that virtue…
Author: Celestine Claret
The Wounds of Saint Francis September 17
57views 1shareCatholic Feast. While Saint Francis was in prayer on Mount Alvernia, a crucified seraphim appeared to him. The wounds that made him a living image of Christ on the Cross opened…
Saint Euphemia of Chalcedon, Lucy and Geminian September 16
170views 1shareMartyrs. Saint Euphemia, a Christian virgin, was martyred in Chalcedon in the year 303; Saint Lucy, noble widow, and Saint Geminian, suffered in Rome, in the time of the emperor Diocletian….
Saints Cornelius, Pope and Cyprian, Bishop, September 16
65views 1shareMartyrs. Saint Cornelius, a Roman, descendant of the noble family of the Scipios, ruled the Catholic Church in the time of the bloodthirsty Emperor Decius, a barbarian born in a village…
Saint Nicomedes of Rome, September 15
72views 1shareMartyr. He was a priest, and, refusing to sacrifice to idols, he was beaten with plumb lines until his demise, during the time of the Emperor Domitian, in the first century….
The Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary, September 15
66views 3sharesCatholic Feast. We celebrated this feast for the first time on Friday of Sorrows, which is consecrated more directly to those sorrows that the heavenly Lady experienced at the foot of…
Exaltation of the Holy Cross, September 14
42views 2sharesCatholic Feast. Originally the Holy Cross was celebrated on this day, solemnizing its triumph over idolatry and the day the sacred relic was found. Later the feast of May 3 was…
Most Holy Name of Mary, September 12
36views 4sharesCatholic Feast. After the name of Jesus, no name is sweeter or more powerful against the attacks of hell than the name of Mary. The Church of Cuenca (Spain) has the…
Commemoration of Saints Protus and Hyacinthus, September 11
82views 4sharesMartyrs. They were brothers, of very humble origin; but martyrdom placed them among the princes of glory. V/. Saints Protus and Hyacinthus.R/. Pray for us. 82views 5shares
Saints You Didn’t Know Founded a Catholic Order
164views 0shareAmong all the saints, we have a class of heroic saints who have been recognized in particular, through God’s grace, for their outstanding sufferings that materialized their desire for a Catholic…
Prayer in Thanksgiving for Our Lady’s Privileges
81views 2sharesPrayer. V/. MOST Holy Trinity, FATHER, SON, and HOLY GHOST, Three Persons and one GOD, we adore Thee, and with all the love of our whole hearts we give Thee thanks…
Pope Saint Pius X, September 3
153views 3sharesPope and Confessor. (1835-1914). Born in Riese, a small town in Veneto, of a very modest family, he came to the supreme government of the Church, whose freedom from the sectarian…
Prayer to St. John the Baptist
110views 3sharesPrayer. O GLORIOUS St John the Baptist, of those born of women the greatest of prophets (Luke vii, 28); thou, though sanctified from thy mothers womb and most innocent, didst nevertheless…
Prayer to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
122views 2sharesPrayer. HEART of Mary, Mother of GOD and our Mother, Heart most amiable, on which the adorable Trinity ever gazes with complacency, worthy of all the veneration and tenderness of angels…
vivacristorey.org, what we want to achieve
90views 1shareHello, I am Pablo Claret, the founder and director of Viva Cristo Rey Multimedia. Welcome to our blog. In this blog we will publish the progress of our projects, both those…
The Our Father or Lord’s Prayer
83views 3sharesPrayer. Our Father, Who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily…
The Salve Regina and Sub Tuum Præsidium
224views 2sharesPrayer. Hail Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, Hail our Life, our Sweetness, and our Hope! To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve; to thee do we send up…
Prayer For Those In Their Agony
1,692views 1sharePrayer. O MOST merciful JESUS, Lover of souls: I pray Thee, by the agony of thy most Sacred Heart, and by the sorrows of thy Immaculate Mother, cleanse in thine own…
The Magnificat
400views 1sharePrayer. My soul doth magnify the Lord. And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. Because he hath regarded the humility of his handmaid; for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me…
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We invite you to view our inventory of books here at vivacristorey.org. One can learn a lot from prayer and from the writings of Catholic authors. So welcome! Welcome!