22views 1shareMartyrs They are two medical brothers, of Arab origin, who practiced their profession gratuitously, and cared for the health of souls no less than for bodies, in which, due to their…
Category: Catholic Saints
Commemoration of Saints Cyprian and Justina, September 26
18views 1shareMartyrs Cyprian, magician, endeavored to pervert Justina, a virgin consecrated to Christ; but she triumphed over him, first by not allowing herself to be defeated, then by converting him to the…
St. Linus, September 23
28views 1sharePope and Martyr Saint Linus is the first successor of Saint Peter, whose life he wrote. He ruled the Church for eleven years and died beheaded. His name is read in…
St. Thecla, September 23
32views 1shareVirgin and Martyr Converted by Saint Paul, she consecrated her virginity to Christ. A protomartyr of the Christian virgins, he triumphed in the time of Nero over three most atrocious torments:…
St. Thomas of Villanova, September 22
22views 1shareBishop and Confessor He was born in Fuenllana (Royal City) and entered the Order of Hermits of St. Augustine. He was an excellent superior and preacher. Elevated to the metropolitan see…
Saints Maurice and Companions, September 22
17views 1shareMartyrs Maurice was the leader of the noble Tebean legion, made up of 666 brave Christian soldiers, who fought bravely for the glory of the Empire. Taken to fight against the…
Saint Matthew, September 21
33views 1shareApostle and Evangelist He was a publican, that is, a collector of tributes: an always hateful job, especially among the Jews, enslaved by the imperial treasury of Rome. He was the…
Saint Eustace and companions, September 20
29views 1shareMartyrs He was general of the armies of the emperor Trajan, and obtained resounding victories against the enemies of the Empire. But refusing to give thanks to the gods, he, along…
Saints Januarius I of Benevento, Bishop and companions September 19
19views 1shareMartyrs. The beheading of Saint Januarius, Bishop of Benevento, was acompanied by: his deacon Festus; Desiderio, the reader; Sosius and Proculo, deacons of Puzol; Eutiques and Acucio, laymen. The blood of…
Saint Joseph of Cupertino September 18
46views 1shareConfessor. A Franciscan layman, he was promoted to the priestly order. He practiced very harsh penance and gave himself to prayer and contemplation. Terribly tempted against chastity, he kept that virtue…
Saint Euphemia of Chalcedon, Lucy and Geminian September 16
170views 1shareMartyrs. Saint Euphemia, a Christian virgin, was martyred in Chalcedon in the year 303; Saint Lucy, noble widow, and Saint Geminian, suffered in Rome, in the time of the emperor Diocletian….
Saints Cornelius, Pope and Cyprian, Bishop, September 16
66views 1shareMartyrs. Saint Cornelius, a Roman, descendant of the noble family of the Scipios, ruled the Catholic Church in the time of the bloodthirsty Emperor Decius, a barbarian born in a village…
Saint Nicomedes of Rome, September 15
72views 1shareMartyr. He was a priest, and, refusing to sacrifice to idols, he was beaten with plumb lines until his demise, during the time of the Emperor Domitian, in the first century….
Commemoration of Saints Protus and Hyacinthus, September 11
82views 4sharesMartyrs. They were brothers, of very humble origin; but martyrdom placed them among the princes of glory. V/. Saints Protus and Hyacinthus.R/. Pray for us. 82views 5shares
Pope Saint Pius X, September 3
154views 3sharesPope and Confessor. (1835-1914). Born in Riese, a small town in Veneto, of a very modest family, he came to the supreme government of the Church, whose freedom from the sectarian…