219views 1shareBishop and Martyr. He accompanied Saint Peter, who consecrated him Bishop, gave him a kiss of peace and sent him to evangelize the city of Ravenna, which emulate Rome. He converted…
Author: Pablo Claret
Saint Mary Magdalene, July 22
113views 1sharePenitent. The sacred liturgy identifies the sinner converted at the feast of the Pharisee with Mary, sister of Lazarus, and with Mary Magdalene, who followed Jesus during his preaching, found herself…
Commemoration of Saint Práxedes, July 21
55views 1shareVirgin. (2nd century). Her noble house in Rome had the honor of hosting Saint Peter and his successors. Saint Práxedes survived her sister Santa Pudenciana and devoted herself to consoling, helping…
Saint Margaret of Antioch, July 20
61views 1shareVirgin and Martyr. The Greeks call her the great Martyr. Daughter of a pagan priest, but raised by her nurse in the Christian faith, she was, at the request of her…
Saint Jerome Emiliani, July 20
98views 1shareConfessor. (1481-1537). Father of the orphans, he founded a congregation of clergymen in Somasca (Italy) to educate orphans and the poor. Assisting the plagued, he contracted the contagion and died a…
Saint Vicent of Paul, July 19
82views 1shareConfessor. (1581-1660). France was torn by forty years of religious wars, the people were depleted, without religious instruction and without bread, so our merciful God raised up the evangelist of the…
Saint Symphorosa And Her Seven Children July 18
256views 1shareMartyrs. Symphorosa was the wife of the Martyr Saint Getulio. She is one of the great heroines of the time of the Martyrs. She offered to God the sacrifice of her…
Saint Camillus of Lellis July 18
44views 1shareConfessor. (1550-1614). The angel of charity, Saint Camillus of Lelis, Neapolitan, founded the heroic Order of Regular Clerics, Ministers of the sick (also called Ministers of the Good Death), who are…
Litany of Humility
55views 1sharePrayer. Lord Jesus. Meek and humble of heart, Hear me.From the desire of being esteemed, Deliver me, Jesus.From the desire of being loved, Deliver me, Jesus.From the desire of being extolled,…
The Triumph of the Holy Cross July 17
259views 2sharesFeast. It is celebrated in Spain. The glorious crusade of the Spanish Reconquest, which began in the mountains of Asturias and ended in the fertile plain of Granada, is one of…
Prayer to Saint Alexius of Rome
3,483views 1sharePrayer. Oh, glorious and Blessed Saint Alexius! Faithful, pious and good servant that you are, enjoying the glory of God, obtain me the favor to separate me from all evil. Blessed…
St. Alexius of Rome July 17
435views 1shareConfessor. He was a young Roman of a noble family. The day of his wedding, leaving his wife intact, he went on a pilgrimage through the East, where he had a…
The method to be followed in moral theology (MT #5)
143views 1shareMoral Theology is served not only by the various branches of philosophy such as: Ethics Theodicy Psychology Logic But also by many of the natural sciences. Thus: Medicine and Physiology are…
Saints John & Paul, June 26
18views 1shareMartyrs The Roman emperors had embraced Christianity; but one of them, Julian, an apostate from the faith, tried to restore the worship of the false gods, and became the executioner of…
Introduction to Moral Theology (MT #2)
56views 1shareThe following text comes from the book titled: Moral Theology A Complete Course Based on St. Thomas Aquinas and the Best Modern Authorities. This text is in the public domain, and…
Treatise on Moral Theology (MT #1)
51views 1shareThe following text is the preface of the book titled: Moral Theology A Complete Course Based on St. Thomas Aquinas and the Best Modern Authorities. This text is in the public…
The earthly paradise, Genesis, Chapter 2
37views 1share[1] So the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the furniture of them. [2] And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made: and he…
The Creation of the Universe – Genesis, Chapter 1
55views 1share[1] In the beginning God created heaven, and earth. [2] And the earth was void and empty, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of God…
Prayers to the Guardian Angel
52views 1share“Guardian Angel, my sweet company,do not abandon me by night or by day.Amen.” “Angel of God, you are my custodian,for the Divine goodness has entrusted me to you,enlighten me, direct me,…
Prayer to St. Francis Solanus
465views 2shares“O powerful St. Francis Solanus, thou who explored and evangelized in the wilds of South America, please assist me in the wilds of this world and obtain for me, through our…