17views 1shareConfessor and Doctor He was born in Lisbon, and at the age of fourteen he entered a community of Canons Regular. But at nineteen, eager for martyrdom, he entered the newly…
Category: Catholic Saints
St. John of Sahagún, June 12
24views 2sharesConfessor Canon of the Cathedral of Burgos, eager for perfection, distributed his goods to the poor and entered the Order of Hermits of St. Augustine. He was very devoted to the…
Saints Basilides, Cyrinus, Nabor and Nazarius, June 12
48views 1shareMartyrs Military nobles, they generously confessed their faith in the Coliseum in Rome, in the time of Diocletian. V/. Saints Basilides, Cyrinus, Nabor and Nazarius.R/. Pray for us. 48views 1share
St. Barnabas, June 11
18views 1shareApostle He appears in the Acts of the Apostles as a “good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith”, emulus of the Apostles in their tireless zeal for the…
Saint Margaret, Queen of Scots, June 10
24views 2sharesShe shine on the throne with heroic virtues, especially mortification and charity towards the poor. She raised her eight children with great care. She made the King, her husband, an emulator…
Saint Primus and Felician, June 9
31views 1shareMartyrs They were brothers, and together they confessed the faith of Christ amid terrible torments, and were beheaded in the persecution of Diocletian. V/. Saint Primus and Felician.R/. Pray for us….
St. Norbert of Xanten, June 6
20views 1shareBishop and Confessor From a noble German family, he embraced the clerical state with little spirit, and lived in it more as a great lord than as an ecclesiastic. Surprised in…
St. Francis Caracciolo, June 4
13views 1shareConfessor He is one of the founders of the clerics regular minor, who dedicate themselves to contemplation and apostolic work. Three times he came to Spain to propagate his Order there;…
Commemoration of Saints Marcellinus, Peter and Erasmus, June 2
55views 1shareMartyrs Marcellinus, priest, and Peter, exorcist, for working in Rome for the conversion of the Gentiles, were beheaded in the time of Diocletian. The names of both are mentioned in the…
St. Angela Merici, June 1
31views 1shareVirgin Consecrated to God from childhood, because of her precocious virtue she was called the Virgin of Jesus. She saw that much of the evils in society stem from the lack…
The Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen, May 31
30views 1shareCatholic Feast The Blessed Virgin is Queen by two titles, analogous to those of the Royalty of Christ: Christ is King by nature, as the Son of God; the Virgin is…
Commemoration of Saint Petronilla, May 31
19views 1shareVirgin and Martyr Some claim that this Saint was the daughter, according to the flesh, of the Apostle Saint Peter. The most certain thing is that she belonged to some illustrious…
Saint Ferdinand, King of Castile, May 30
11views 1shareConfessor He is one of the great kings who forged the Spanish Homeland, expanding its borders. Led by God as by the hand, he conquered, among others, the two great cities…
Saint Felix I, May 30
21views 1sharePope and Martyr He ruled the Church in the second half of the third century. He arranged that the Holy Sacrifice be celebrated on the tomb of the martyrs; still, when…
Saint Mary Magdalene of Pazzis, May 29
22views 1shareVirgin Overcoming her mother’s resistance, she wore the habit of the Carmelite Order, where she lived a very austere life, in love with suffering. She had very high prayer, and she…
Saint Augustine of Canterbury, May 28
25views 1shareBishop and Confessor He is the apostle of England, where he was sent by Pope Saint Gregory the Great with 40 other Benedictine monks, by whose preaching most of the English…
Saint John I, May 27
8views 1sharePope and Martyr He ruled the Church for twelve years under the Arian king Theodoric. For his firmness in making the remains of Arianism disappear, he was imprisoned by Theodoric and…
Saint Bede the Venerable, May 27
18views 1shareConfessor and Doctor English, Benedictine, commented on the Gospel, tracing the sentences of the Holy Fathers. For this reason, even before he died, his writings were read in the churches, and…
Saint Eleutherius, May 26
18views 1sharePope and Martyr He ruled the Church for fifteen years, in the second century, in times of persecution and in times of calm. He sent the first gospel preachers to England….
St. Phillip Neri, May 26
18views 1shareConfessor The most kind founder of the Oratory had his heart burned with divine love, and he communicated this sacred fire to his children and to the many souls who looked…