64views 2sharesQueen and Widow. She was the daughter of Pedro III of Aragon, granddaughter of the great Jaime I the conqueror and niece-granddaughter of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary (Nov. 19), whose heroic…
Category: Catholic Saints
Saints Cyril and Methodius July 7
40views 1shareHoly Bishops and Confessors. In the 9th century, the Slavic race, which spread throughout Eastern Europe, was brought to the knowledge of Christ through the apostolic work of these two holy…
Saint Anthony Mary Zaccaria July 5
61views 1shareConfessor. At a very young age, he founded the Order of Regular Clerics of Saint Paul, called Barnabas, because they were in charge of an old church of Saint Barnabas in…
Pope Saint Leo I the Great July 3
70views 1sharePope and Confessor. Also known as Saint Leo I the Great. This true father of the poor, of the widows and orphans occupied the apostolic chair only ten and a half…
SS Martinian and Processus July 2
93views 1shareMartyred Soldiers. They were two Roman soldiers who guarded Saint Peter in the Mamertine prison, and by him they were converted and baptized, with water that Saint Peter miraculously made flow…
Feast of Saints Peter and Paul June 29
181views 2sharesApostles and Martyrs. Our Holy Mother Church commemorates the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul this June 29 for their martyrdom for the faith at the headquarters of Rome. Saint Peter. Saint Peter, was…
Saint Irenaeus June 28
154views 1shareBishop and Martyr. A.D. 130 – A.D. 202 Saint Irenaeus, (also known as, Irenaeus of Lyon), was a disciple of Saint Polycarp who was in turn a disciple of the Apostle…
Saints John & Paul, June 26
18views 1shareMartyrs The Roman emperors had embraced Christianity; but one of them, Julian, an apostate from the faith, tried to restore the worship of the false gods, and became the executioner of…
St. William of Montevergine , June 25
35views 1shareAbbot He was born in Vercelli (Piedmont). At the age of fourteen he made the pilgrimage to Santiago in Galicia; later he founded a monastic congregation on Mount Virgin, devoted to…
Nativity of Saint John the Baptist, June 24
22views 1shareCatholic Feast The Church celebrates three nativities: that of Christ, that of the Virgin and that of St. John; because these three alone are known that were totally holy at birth….
Vigil of Saint John the Baptist, June 23
24views 1shareCatholic Feast The great feast of Saint John is preceded by a vigil, the liturgy of this day celebrates the divine promise made to Zacharias, of the birth of the holy…
St. Paulinus of Nola, June 22
20views 1shareBishop From the most noble family of Roman patricians, he was born in Bordeaux and married a Spanish woman named Terasia; and following the path of worldly honors, he became Consul…
St. Aloysius Gonzaga, June 21
25views 1shareConfessor From his childhood he united to a great degree the candor of innocence with the harshness of penance. His chastity was truly angelic; his prayer, continuous and extremely high; his…
Commemoration of St. Silverius, June 20
30views 1sharePope and Martyr He was elected Pope anti-canonically; but later the Roman clergy accepted him as their legitimate Pastor. He heroically resisted the wicked claims of the Empress Theodora, who banished…
St. Juliana Falconieri, June 19
30views 1shareVirgin She was born of noble parents, in Florence; At the age of sixteen, she took the veil in the Matelatas, a sort of Third Order of the Servites. Whe she…
Commemoration of Saints Gervasius and Protasius, June 19
82views 1shareMartyrs They were brothers, children of the saints Martyrs Vidal and Valeria. They suffered martyrdom in Milan. Their names appear in the Litany of the Saints. His cult was formerly very…
St. Ephrem the Syrian, June 18
26views 1shareConfessor and Doctor Natural of Nisibe (Mesopotamia), he joined together in his life the double character of hermit and apostle. Hard with himself, he burned with zeal to convert Gentiles and…
Saint Mark and Marcellian, June 18
48views 1shareMartyrs They were brothers, Roman nobles, converted to the faith by Saint Sebastian. Prisoners for Christ, they received a visit from their pagan wives in jail, and they presented their little…
Commemoration Vitus, Modestus and Crescentia, June 15
32views 1shareVito (Guido) son of a pagan father, was baptized without his father knowing, and educated by the Christian spouses Modestus and Crescentia; all three shed their blood for Christ, being Emperor…
Saint Basil the Great, June 14
21views 1shareBishop, Confessor and Doctor He is one of the main doctors of the Greek Church, who decoded the heresies of Arius and Macedonius, which denied the divinity of the Word and…