18views 1shareVirgin and Martyr Thirteen-year-old girl, baptized in Rome by the Apostle Saint Peter, died beheaded in the empire of Claudius. She is perhaps the holy proto-martyr of the West. Her Church,…
Category: Archive
The Chair of Saint Peter in Rome, January 18
28views 1shareCatholic Feast Saint Peter was constituted by Christ supreme Shepherd of the whole Church. This prerogative, which he had to transmit to his successors, remained, by divine disposition, linked to the…
St. Anthony the Great, January 17
15views 1shareAbbot He was Egyptian, and at the age of eighteen he retired to the desert, where at first he led a hermit life; but the fame of his sanctity gathered around…
St. Fulgentius, January 16
22views 1shareBishop, Confessor and Doctor Brother of Saints Leandro, Isidore and Florentina, he cooperated with Leandro in the conversion of the Goths and in the education of Isidore. He governed the dioceses…
St. Marcelus, January 16
23views 1sharePope and Martyr He ruled “The Queen of the Churches”, as he called the Roman Church, in the last days of the persecution of the pagan emperors. Condemned by Maxentius to…
Saint Maurus, January 15
20views 1shareAbbot Since he was a child he was educated in a holy manner by Saint Benedict. Obedient to the voice of his teacher, he walked on the water to save the…
Saint Paul, first Hermit, January 15
34views 1shareThe patriarch of the anchorites, at the age of fifteen, distributed his patrimony to the poor, and retired to the wilderness, where he lived until he was one hundred and thirteen…
St. Felix, January 14
33views 1sharePriest and Martyr He was born in Nola; he suffered terrible persecutions for the faith, even though he survived the torments. His grave glows with innumerable miracles. V/. St. Felix.R/. Pray…
Saint Hilarius, January 14
47views 1shareBishop, Confessor and Doctor Bishop of Poitiers, he fought against the Arian heresy, which denied the divinity of Christ; for this he suffered exile. He wrote twelve books on the Most…
Commemoration of the Baptism of the Lord, January 13
24views 1shareCatholic Feast Today we remember the proclamation of the divinity of Christ in the Jordan. The Baptist, pointing at him, exclaims: “That is the Lamb of God: that is the one…
St. Hyginus, January 11
28views 1sharePope and Martyr Saint Hyginus was the eighth successor of Saint Peter: of Greek origin, he ruled the Church for four years (139-143), in the empire of Antonino Pio. V/. St….
Feast of the Holy Family, January 10
92views 1shareCatholic Feast. Today the humble little house of Nazareth opens before our eyes, where Jesus, Mary and Joseph sanctify family life with ineffable virtues, so that we can imitate them in…
Epiphany of Our Lord, January 6
38views 1shareCatholic Feast. Epiphany means manifestation. On this day Jesus manifests himself to the Gentile world, represented in the Magi from the East. Isaiah sees kings and nations, who come from across…
Most Holy Name of Jesus, January 3
157views 1shareCatholic Feast. In the act of Circumcision, by divine decree, imparted first to Mary (Lk. I, 31) and then to Joseph (Mt. I, 31), the Child God received the name Jesus….
The Circumcision of the Lord, January 1
42views 1shareCatholic Feast Circumcision was instituted by God, as a sign of the covenant that he celebrated with Abraham and his lineage. With this rite was added the one who received him…
St. Silvester, December 31
49views 1sharePope and Confessor The Pontificate of Saint Silvester is one of the most glorious in history. In his time, the Church came out of the catacombs to occupy the Imperial Palace…
Translation of St. James, December 30
100views 1shareApostle and Evangelist After evangelizing Spain, Santiago suffered martyrdom in Jerusalem, slaughtered by Herod the tetrarch, near Easter. His sacred body was collected by his disciples Athanasius and Teodoro, who embarked…
St. Thomas of Canterbury, December 29
28views 2sharesBishop and Martyr Born in London, he came by divine choice to occupy the seat of Canterbury, the primate of England; He gloriously defended the independence of the Church against the…
The Holy Innocents, December 28
36views 1shareMartyrs The cruelty of Herod, who, trying to get rid of Christ, cut the lives of so many innocents in bloom, puts, among the joys of Bethlehem, a note of sadness…
St. John, December 27
46views 1shareApostle and Evangelist The beloved Disciple of Jesus opened his mouth in the midst of the Church and discovered the deepest mysteries of the humanity and Divinity of Christ. How jubilant…