Apostle and Evangelist
The beloved Disciple of Jesus opened his mouth in the midst of the Church and discovered the deepest mysteries of the humanity and Divinity of Christ.
How jubilant his people were at the dazzling illuminations that he received with the treatment of the Divine Master, which is divine Wisdom!
Jesus did not want John to die a martyr, but rather he prolonged his life to an advanced age, so that he would refute the nascent heresies in his Gospel, and be the apostle of fraternal charity.
V/. St. John.
R/. Pray for us.

To advance in your spiritual reform, kindly consider the profound meditations and pious lessons from the book:

TITLE: St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori on How to accept and love the will of God and his Divine Providence Includes quotations from St. John, Isaias, the Song of Songs, St. Bernard, etc.
AUTHOR: St. Alphonsus Liguori
EDITOR: Pablo Claret
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