4,577views 1share“O holy Father, St. Benedict, blessed by God both in grace and in name, who, while standing in prayer, with hands raised to heaven, didst most happily yield thy angelic spirit…
Prayer to St. Therese of Lisieux
67views 1share“O Glorious St. Therese, whom Almighty God has raised up to aid and counsel mankind, I implore your miraculous intercession. So powerful are you in obtaining from God favors and graces…
Commemoration of St. Anicetus, April 17
30views 1sharePope and Martyr Eleventh successor of Saint Peter, he ruled the Church from the year 155 to the year 166. He received the visit of Saint Polycarp, and fought the heretics…
Saint Justin Martyr, April 14
17views 1shareMartyr He is one of the great apologists for the Christian religion in the second century. He sought the truth in the sects of the philosophers, but found it only in…
St. Hermenegild, April 13
17views 1shareMartyr Son of the Visigothic King Leovigildo, he was converted to Catholicism by St. Leandro, Archbishop of Seville. Constrained by his father to receive Easter communion at the hands of an…
St. Leo I, April 11
18views 1sharePope, Confessor and Doctor It was Tuscan or Roman. The majesty of Leo the Great arrested the barbarian Attila, who withdrew from Italy and died the following year, 453. He fought…
St. Vicent Ferrer, April 5
36views 1shareConfessor He was born in Valencia and professed in the Order of Saint Dominic. He is one of the most distinguished preachers and miracle workers who have enlightened the Church. He…
St. Isidore of Seville, April 4th
28views 1shareBishop, Confessor and Doctor Younger brother of St. Leandro and St. Fulgencio, he illuminated Spain from his Seville headquarters. As a young man, in the retreat of the cloister, he reached…
St. Francis of Paola, April 2
19views 1shareConfessor Napolitan, he lived a very innocent and harsh life, founded the Order of Minims. He died at the age of ninety-one. V/. St. Francis of PaolaR/. Pray for us. 19views…
St. John of Damascus, March 27
25views 1shareConfessor and Doctor Priest, monk and profound theologian, he fought with his pen against the Byzantine emperor Leon Isaurico in favor of the cult of sacred images. It is said that,…
Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, March 25
52views 1shareCatholic Feast In the marvelous Mystery of the Incarnation, the Son of God annihilated himself, taking the form and nature of a servant in the womb of the Virgin Mary. Let…
St. Gabriel, March 24
28views 1shareArchangel It is the Angel of the Incarnation. In the Old Testament he announced to Daniel the date of the Messiah’s advent, after seventy weeks of years. He announced to Zacharias…
St. Catherine of Vadstena March 24
354views 2sharesAbbess. born A.D. 1331 or 1332 – died A.D. 24 March 1381 St. Catherine of Vadstena was daughter of St. Bridget of Sweden. She persuaded her husband to take a vow…
Saint Benedict, March 21
28views 1shareAbbot The glorious patriarch of the monks of the West is one of the most distinguished benefactors of the Church and of humanity. Through his sons he brought the Gospel and…
Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, March 19
31views 1shareCatholic Feast The Word had to be born of a virgin mother: a mystery that had to remain hidden under the veil of marriage. God entrusted his mother to Saint Joseph,…
Saint Cyril of Jerusalem, March 18
25views 2sharesBishop, Confessor and Doctor He suffered terrible persecution from the Arians. His immortal work is called the Catechesis, twenty-four instructions to catechumens on the mysteries of the Catholic faith. Julian the…
Saint Patrick, March 17
22views 1shareBishop and Confessor The great apostle of Ireland in the 5th century, when northern Europe lay in darkness, brought the light of faith to what was soon transformed into the Island…
San Raymond of Fitero, March 15
94views 1shareAbbot He was canon of Tarazona; Cistercian religious layman and Abad of Fitero. Calatrava abandoned by the Templars before the push of the Moorish, Raymond, who at the time was in…
Saint Gregory, March 12
15views 1shareConfessor and Doctor Roman nobleman, he was piously educated by his mother, Santa Silvia. He embraced the Benedictine rule at thirty-five years of age. Ordained deacon, he went as an apostolic…
The Forty Holy Martyrs, March 10
27views 1shareMartyrs In Sebaste, Armenia, forty Christian soldiers were, by confession of faith, thrown into a frozen pond. There they spent the night; but at dawn one went out and went to…