16views 1shareCatholic Feast The Emperor Domitian condemned Saint John the Evangelist to be burned in a cauldron of boiling oil, from which he miraculously emerged unharmed. In this way, the holy brother…
Saint Pius V, May 5
25views 1sharePope and Confessor He was a Lombard, and at the age of fourteen he entered the Order of Preachers. From the chair of St. Peter he fought the Protestants of Germany…
Saint Monica, May 4
16views 1shareWidow With her fervent prayer and heroic patience, she overcame the obstinacy of the pagan husband, and brought him to the catechumenate. Twice she was the mother of Saint Augustine, because…
Saints Alexander, Pope; Evencio and Teodulo, Martyrs, and Juvenal, Bishop and Confessor, May 3
27views 1shareSaint Alexander I, Pope, is the fifth successor of Saint Peter. His name is found on the second list of the Canon. He suffered with the priests Evencio and Teodúlo in…
Discovery of the Holy Cross, May 3
14views 1shareCatholic Feast In the Gothic Missal, the Cross was celebrated today, without alluding to its discovery. Rome accepted this feast, dedicating it to the discovery of the Cross by Saint Helena,…
Saint Athanasius, May 2
7views 1shareBishop, Confessor and Doctor Patriarch of his hometown, Alexandria (Egypt), is the great champion of the divinity of Christ against the overwhelming thrust of the Arian heresy. He with unwavering steadfastness…
Saint Joseph the Worker, May 1
14views 1shareSpouse of the Virgin Mary, Confessor In the reform of the rubrics that came into force on January 1, 1956, the celebration of the Patronage of Saint Joseph has been suppressed….
Saint Catherine of Siena, April 30
19views 1shareVirgin At the age of seven she made a vow of virginity. Terrible attacks she suffered from her mother to force her to marry and befriend the world. At sixteen she…
Saint Peter of Verona, April 29
21views 1shareMartyr He was the son of heretical parents, but educated by a Catholic teacher, he entered the nascent Order of Preachers, where he made wonderful conversions. Exercising the office of inquisitor,…
St. Vital, 28th of April
14views 1shareMartyr Husband of Saint Valeria, and father of Saints Gervasio and Protasio, he was martyred in the time of Marco Aurelio, in Ravéna, of whose famous temple he is the owner….
Saint Paul of the Cross, April 28
17views 1shareConfessor From his childhood he had a singular devotion to the Cross of Christ. He founded the congregation of Passionists to work for the health of souls and instill in them…
St. Turibius of Mogrovejo, April 27
20views 1shareBishop and Confessor He was a professor at the University of Salamanca and inquisitor, when Felipe II, moved by the fame of his science and virtues, proposed him for Archbishop of…
St. Peter Canisius, April 27
25views 1shareConfessor and Doctor He was born in Holland in 1521, the same year that Luther apostatized in Germany and Saint Ignatius of Loyola converted in Spain. He was the soul of…
Saints Cleto and Marcelino, April 26
106views 1sharePopes and Martyrs Saint Cleto, second successor of Saint Peter, ruled the Church from 76 to 91, when he suffered martyrdom under Emperor Domitian. His name is on the first Canon…
Saint Mark the Evangelist, April 25
20views 1shareApostle He accompanied Saint Peter, and according to his preaching, he wrote the Gospel for the faithful of Rome. He preached in Alexandria of Egypt, of whose Church he was Bishop….
Major Litanies, April 25
17views 1shareCatholic Feast Litany is the same as prayer. From the first centuries the Church used to celebrate prayers preceded by a procession. It is very old the one from April 25,…
Saint Fidel of Sigmaringa, April 24
25views 1shareMartyr He was German, and practiced law. He entered the Capuchin Order, and worked with ardent zeal for the conversion of heretics; for this, a platoon of Protestant soldiers assassinated him,…
Saint George, April 23
17views 1shareMartyr Born in Palestine (or Cappadocia), he held high positions in Diocletian’s imperial army, of which he was one of the first victims. He is usually depicted knocking down a dragon…
Saints Sotero and Cayo, April 22
12views 1sharePopes and Martyrs San Sotero, successor of San Aniceto, fought against the Montanist heretics, and suffered martyrdom. One hundred years later lived San Cayo, of the imperial family of Diocletian; he…
Saint Anselm of Canterbury, April 21
21views 1shareBishop, Confessor and Doctor He was Italian, from Aosta, of noble and Christian family. At twenty-one he became a Benedictine. Appointed Archbishop of Canterbury, he fought with two English monarchs who…