16views 1shareVirgin and Martyr Born in Sicily, she consecrated her virginity to God. She was gorgeous; Her praetor fell in love with her and, irritated by her refusal, subjected her to terrible…
Category: Archive
St. Andres Corsini, February 4
17views 1shareBishop and Confessor In his adolescence he lived licentiously; converted at nineteen, he entered the Carmelite Order. He was Bishop of Fiesole. Clement XII extended his feast to the whole Church….
Commemoration of St. Blas, February 3
13views 1shareBishop and Martyr Bishop of Sebaste in Armenia, he was martyred in 316. He is a lawyer against sore throats, and bread, wine and oil are blessed in his honor. V/….
The Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, February 2
31views 1shareCatholic Feast According to the law of Moses, every woman who gave birth to a boy contracted legal impurity for forty days, after which she had to offer, as an expiatory…
Saint Ignatius of Antioch, February 1
38views 1shareBishop and Martyr He was the second successor of Saint Peter in the Cathedra of Antioch. Due to his apostolic work he was taken prisoner to Rome, whose coliseum he ennobled…
St. John Bosco, January 31
17views 1shareConfessor The modern apostle of the youth workers, to whom he opens the way to heaven, and provides the office to live honestly on earth, perpetuated his work by founding the…
Saint Martina, January 30
22views 1shareVirgin and Martyr An orphan in her tender years, she distributed her rich heritage to the poor. Refusing to worship idols, she was terribly tormented in Rome, her homeland, and at…
Saint Francis de Sales, January 29
12views 1shareBishop, Confessor and Doctor The most sweet Bishop of Geneva shines as founder and father of the Order of the Visitation, as an apostle of the heretics of whom he personally…
Saint Peter Nolasco, January 28
36views 1shareConfessor Born near Carcassonne, he had Spain as his second homeland. Together with Saint Raimund of Penyafort, and supported by the great Jaime I the Conqueror, he founded in Barcelona the…
Saint John Chrysostom, January 27
22views 1shareBishop, Confessor and Doctor Chrysostom, “Mouth of Gold”, is the prince of sacred speakers, the incomparable commentator of divine Scripture, the intrepid expositor of courtly corruption. For seven years he was…
St. Polycarp of Smyrna, January 26
26views 1shareBishop and Martyr He was a very dear disciple of the Apostle Saint John, who refers to him in the Apocalypse, naming him “the angel of the Church of Smyrna.” He…
Conversion of Saint Paul, January 25
14views 1shareApostle Saul, a Jew by nation, a Pharisee by sect, persecuted the nascent Church; and commissioned by the Synagogue, he was on the road to Damascus to apprehend as many Christians…
Saint Timothy, January 24
17views 1shareBishop and Martyr Son of a Gentile father and a Jewish mother, he accompanied Saint Paul on his apostolic trips, which left him as Bishop of Ephesus, and wrote him two…
St. Ildefonsus, January 23
43views 1shareBishop, Confessor and Doctor Spain celebrates on January 23 the Doctor of the Virginity of Mary, a doctrine which he defended against the Jews and against the heretics Joviniano and Helvidio….
St. Emerentiana, January 23
30views 1shareVirgin and Martyr Saint Agnes was her foster sister, she went to cry at the tomb of her little friend; surprised by the pagans, she rebukes them for the cruelty they…
St. Raymond of Penafort, January 23
20views 1shareConfessor From a noble Catalan family, he entered the Order of Preachers, of which he became General. He was a distinguished minister of the Sacrament of Penance and an excellent canonist,…
Saints Vicent and Anastasius, January 22
22views 1shareMartyrs Vicente, born in Huesca, was Deacon of San Valerio in Zaragoza. Imprisoned by order of Daciano and taken to Valencia, he was whipped, tormented on the easel, roasted on grills,…
Saint Agnes, January 21
13views 1shareVirgin and Martyr “I love Christ and, loving him, I am chaste; touching him, I am pure; receiving him, I am a virgin. “ Thus said Ines, a thirteen-year-old girl, betrothed…
Saints Fabian, Pope, and Sebastián. January 20
14views 1shareMartyrs Saint Fabian, an incomparable man, of great purity and holiness, ordered that the Acts of the Martyrs be written. He suffered martyrdom on January 20, 250. Thirty-eight years later, also…
Commemoration of Saints Mario, Martha, Audifaz and Abacus, January 19
55views 1shareMartyrs Mario and Martha, noble spouses of Persia, with their two sons, Audifaz and Abaco, went to Rome during Claudius’s empire to venerate the tombs of the martyrs. There they helped…