28views 2sharesBishop, Confessor and Doctor For his marvelous eloquence he received the name Chrysologus (golden word). Saint Peter and Saint Apollinare appeared to the Pope, commanding him to choose Chrysologus, then a…
Author: Celestine Claret
St. Francis Xavier, December 3
23views 1shareConfessor He was born in Javier (Navarra). In Paris he met Saint Ignatius of Loyola, who conquered him for his Company and for the apostolate. He toured eastern India and Japan,…
Saint Bibiana, December 2
39views 1shareVirgin and Martyr She was the daughter of Flavian and Dafrosa, Roman nobles, who suffered martyrdom in the time of Julian the Apostate. So that she would lose faith, she was…
Saint Andrew, November 30
23views 1shareApostle Andrew, Simon’s brother, was a disciple of Saint John the Baptist. Andrew spoke to his brother and introduced him to Jesus. Both brothers were called to the apostolate. Andrew preached…
Commemoration of Saint Saturninus, November 29
40views 1shareMartyr He was a Christian slave, and suffered martyrdom, slaughtered in Rome at the beginning of the 4th century, in the persecution of Diocletian. V/. Saint Saturninus.R/. Pray for us. 40views…
Feast of the Miraculous Medal, November 27
45views 1shareCatholic Feast To immediately prepare the dogmatic definition of the Immaculate Conception, the heavenly Mother of God deigned to appear to Saint Catherine Labouré, Daughter of Charity, in 1830, and ordered…
St. Peter of Alexandria, November 26
28views 1shareBishop and Martyr Bishop of Alexandria, he had the glory of being the first to excommunicate Arius. By his science and his virtue, he was the light of the whole Church….
Saint Sylvester, November 26
21views 1shareAbbot Young Canon in Osimo, his homeland (Italy), contemplating in the coffin the corpse of a friend of his, he withdrew to the desert and founded the Congregation called Silvestrine Monks….
Saint Catherine, November 25
21views 1shareVirgin and Martyr Born in Alexandria (Egypt), at the age of eighteen she stood out for her philosophical knowledge and for her in-depth studies on the Christian religion. She appeared before…
Saint Chrysogonus, November 24
33views 1shareMartyr He catechized Saint Anastasia, Virgin and Martyr. He suffered terrible torments and died beheaded by order of Diocletian. His name is read in the first Canon list. V/. Saint Chrysogonus.R/….
Saint John of the Cross, November 24
29views 1shareConfessor and Doctor He was born in Fontiveros (Ávila) and professed in the Carmelite Order, whose reform he promoted, together with Saint Teresa of Jesús; and in this great work she…
Saint Felicitas of Rome, November 23
37views 1shareMartyr Seven children offered God this heroine, encouraging them to the martyrdom, and finally she also offered her neck to the executioner’s ax. Some believe that this Saint of Rome, and…
St. Clement, November 23
27views 1sharePope and Martyr Many believe that it is the same Clement who collaborated with Saint Paul. His glorious pontificate eclipsed those of Saint Linus and Saint Cleto, his predecessors. He pacified…
Saint Cecilia, November 22
28views 1shareVirgin and Martyr From a noble Roman family, she consecrated her virginity to God. Forced to marry Valerian, a young pagan, she persuaded him to respect her and become a Christian….
The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, November 21
32views 1shareCatholic Feast According to ancient tradition, the Virgin as a child was presented to the Lord in the temple of Jerusalem, and she stayed to live in the company of other…
Saint Felix de Valois, November 20
54views 1shareConfessor A native of the Royal House of France, he fled the throne to dedicate himself to prayer in the desert. From there St. John of Mata got him, and both…
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, November 19
19views 1shareWidow Daughter of the King of Hungary, she married the landgrave of Thuringia and lived a holy marriage. God blessed her with abundant fruits of holiness. Her daughter was Saint Gertrude…
St. Pontian, November 19
31views 1sharePope and Martyr Exiled to Sardinia, he succumbed to the hardships. V/. St. Pontian.R/. Pray for us. 31views 1share
Dedication of the Basilicas of Saints Peter and Paul, November 18
29views 1shareCatholic Feast On the tombs of Saint Peter, in the Vatican, and Saint Paul, in the Via Ostiense, Emperor Constantine built two basilicas, which on this day were dedicated by Pope…
St. Gregory Thaumaturgus, November 17
26views 1shareBishop and Confessor A highly cultured young man with an elegant word, he consecrated himself to God in the hermitic life. Appointed Bishop of Neocaesarea, when entering the city he saw…