54views 1shareCatholic Feast In the temporal order, Jesus Christ is King of the whole world. Whoever denies it would be seriously wrong, since He has received from the Father an absolute dominion…
Author: Celestine Claret
Saint Raphael, October 24
34views 1shareArchangel Raphael means medicine of God. Saint Raphael is one of the seven spirits that assist in the presence of God. He was sent to heal blind Tobias, the old man,…
Saint Anthony Mary Claret, October 23
12views 1shareBishop and Confessor A distinguished apostle of the 19th century, he first exercised the parish ministry, which he left for the missions and Spiritual Exercises, with which he evangelized almost all…
Saint Ursula and companions, October 21
32views 1shareVirgins and Martyrs Ursula and her companions, to preserve their virginity, fled from the ferocity of the Huns; but these, finding them near Cologne, took their lives. V/. Saint Ursula.R/. Pray…
Commemoration of St. Hilarion the Great, October 21
36views 1shareAbbot A fifteen-year-old boy, he traveled to Egypt and learned from the great Saint Anthony the Abbot the way of holiness. Returning to Palestine, his homeland, he withdrew to the desert,…
St. John Cantius, October 20
17views 1shareConfessor Polish, he was born in Kenty, near Krakow, at whose University he received his doctorate, and taught for many years. Ordained priest, he returned to the chair, from where he…
St. Peter of Alcántara, October 19
21views 1shareConfessor The blessed Fray Pedro of Alcántara, who, as Saint Therese writes, seemed to be made of tree roots, was born in Alcántara (Extremadura). At the age of sixteen he entered…
Saint Luke, October 18
25views 1shareEvangelist A native of Antioch, a doctor converted to the faith by Saint Paul, he gave himself to him as a companion on his apostolic trips. He wrote two canonical books:…
Saint Margaret Mary of Alacoque, October 17
28views 1shareVirgin Jesus Christ chose this most humble nun of the Visitation to reveal to the world the treasures of his divine Heart. Providentially, he sent Blessed Claudio de la Colombiére, of…
St. Hedwig of Silesia, October 16
23views 1shareWidow Daughter of the Marquis of Moravi, she married the Duke of Poland, and educated their six children in a holy manner; then she induced her husband to take a vow…
Saint Therese of Avila, 15 October
23views 1shareVirgin She was born in Ávila in 1515 and died in Alba de Tormes in 1582. The Lord endowed this extraordinary woman with wonderful natural garments of wit, judgment and greatness…
St. Calixtus, October 14
21views 1sharePope and Martyr He governed the Church when the faith was taking over the majority of the Empire, which forced him to solve delicate problems of Christian law and the sanctity…
St. Edward, October 13
19views 1shareKing and Confessor From the throne of England he shone with the virtues of a great King and a great Saint. He was splendid in erecting and equipping temples, and by…
Our Lady of the Pillar, October 12
29views 1shareCatholic Feast This is a great day for Spain. In it he celebrates the coming of Our Lady, in mortal flesh, to Zaragoza, to erect in her the sacred Pillar, the…
St. Francis Borgia, October 10
41views 1shareConfessor Duke of Gandía, viceroy of Catalonia and great private of Carlos V, scared the world with contempt for his greatness, and embraced religious life in the newly founded Company of…
St. John Leonardi, October 9
18views 1shareConfessor Born in Décimi, near Lucca (Italy), he founded the Congregation of Regular Clerics of the Mother of God to teach the people the Christian doctrine. He supported St. Joseph of…
Saint Denis of Paris, and companions, October 9
25views 1shareMartyrs Converted by Saint Paul in the Areopagus of Athens, it is a tradition that he evangelized Gaul, together with the priest Rustic and the deacon Eleuterio; that he was the…
St. Bridget of Sweden, October 8
20views 1shareWidow From the royal house of Sweden, she married Prince Mericio, and educated their eight children in a holy manner; her daughter was Saint Catherine of Sweden. She made a pilgrimage…
Our Lady of the Rosary, October 7
24views 1shareCatholic Feast On Sunday, October 7, 1571, the Turkish squad, terror of Europe, was defeated in Lepanto by the squad of Spain, the Pope and Venice, led by a twenty-one-year-old young…
St. Mark, October 7
37views 1sharePope and Confessor Only eight months did he rule the Church, immediately after Saint Sylvester, in the peace of Constantine. In his time, the heresiarch Arius, like another Judas, died disastrously,…