Catholic Feast
All the children of Adam contract, when conceived, the original guilt. From this universal law God only exempted his Mother, who, upon being conceived in the womb of Saint Anne, in consideration of her future dignity as Mother of God, and in anticipation of the merits of her Son, was redeemed with a singular grace, that preserved her from the original guilt.
The Immaculate Conception was a pious belief, until Pius IX, on December 8, 1854, defined it as a dogma of the Catholic faith.
For two centuries, Spain prepared the long-awaited definition and elected the Immaculate Conception as the heavenly Patroness of Spain and its Indies.
V/. Blessed Virgin Mother.
R/. Pray for us.

To advance in your spiritual reform, kindly consider the profound meditations and pious lessons from the book:

TITLE: St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori on How to accept and love the will of God and his Divine Providence Includes quotations from St. John, Isaias, the Song of Songs, St. Bernard, etc.
AUTHOR: St. Alphonsus Liguori
EDITOR: Pablo Claret
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