Virgin and Martyr.
Saint Christina is one of those cases of heroism for the love of Christ despite strong opposition from relatives. Once converted to Catholicism, she began to give her father’s golden idols to the poor, with which Saint Christina made public her rejection of the worship of idols, in addition to showing charity to the poor who could at least use the gold in more profitable things.
For this act of rejection of the idolatrous cult, she was sadly tortured by her own pagan father, who wanted to tear from her heart the testimony of true faith through torture, but only achieved that Saint Christina obtained a greater place in heaven. She survived eight different tortures in a miraculous way, until her father, Dión, died, and his successor ordered her to be beheaded.
An honest heart is capable of much with the grace of God, Saint Christina is faithful proof of the indomitable strength of true faith when instilled in a pure heart.
Due to her heroic charity, her strong resolve to forgive and love her enemies, and her generosity towards the poor, Saint Christina is now enjoying the eternal love of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
V: Saint Christina.
A: Pray for us.
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