Bishop, Confessor and Doctor
When the wave of impiety grew and announced the frightful storm of the revolution, God raised up Saint Alphonsus so that, for himself and for his Redemptorist children, he renewed in the faithful the fervor of Christian piety.
He wrote countless books, overflowing with sacred anointing. His work on Moral Theology forever buried the rigorist opinions that, separating the faithful from the Sacraments, fostered the hypocritical spirit of Jansenism.
Pius XII declared him Patron of confessors and moralists.
V: Saint Alphonsus Maria of Ligouri.
A: Pray for us.

TITLE: The Four Last Things: Death. Judgment. Hell. Heaven. “Remember thy last end, and thou shalt never sin.” a Traditional Catholic Classic for Spiritual Reform.
AUTHOR: Father Martin Von Cochem
EDITOR: Pablo Claret
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