24views 1shareBishop and Martyr Polish nobleman, professed in the Order of Saint Basil, of the eastern rite. Appointed Archbishop of Polock, he fought tirelessly for Catholic unity between Orientals and Latins. He…
Category: Catholic Saints
St. Diego, November 13
38views 1shareConfessor Born in St. Nicholas of the Port (Seville), he professed as a layman in the Order of Minors. He worked apostolically in the Canary Islands. In the jubilee year of…
Saint Martin I, November 12
22views 1sharePope and Martyr In the Lateran he called a Council of 105 Bishops, who condemned Paul, Patriarch of Constantinople, who denied the human will to Christ. (Monotelites.) Relegated with bad arts…
Saint Menas, November 11
20views 1shareMartyr Born in Egypt, he was a legionary of the Roman Empire and gave his life for Christ. He was protector of the great city of Alexandria. V/. Saint Menas.R/. Pray…
St. Martin of Tours, November 11
23views 1shareBishop and Confessor Born in Hungary, as a soldier he split his cloak with a beggar, and the next night Christ appeared to him, dressed in the half cloak, saying: “Martin,…
Saints Tryphon, Respicius, and Nympha, November 10
26views 1shareMartyrs When Tryphon was martyred at Nicaea, the tribune Respicius, admiring his perseverance, embraced the Christian faith and was his partner in triumph after being baptized. Nympha, a vestal virgin who…
St. Andrew Avellino, November 10
28views 1shareConfessor Neapolitan priest, practicing as an ecclesiastical lawyer, slipped into a lie; but, repentant, he resigned his position and took the habit at the Teatines. He vowed to advance each day…
Dedication of the Archbasilica of the Most Holy Savior, November 9
86views 1shareCatholic Feast On Mount Celius, in Rome, stood the imperial palace, called Lateran (Lateran), which the pious Constantine gave to Saint Sylvester for the abode of the Popes. There he built…
St. Theodorus, November 9
39views 1shareMartyr Roman legionary, for his loyalty to Christ he was burned alive. V/. St. Theodorus.R/. Pray for us. 39views 1share
Commemoration of the Four Crowned Saints, November 8
24views 1shareMartyrs With this name are known four Holy Martyrs brothers who suffered in the last persecution of pagan Rome. Their names were unknown; later it was learned that they were called…
Saints Vitalis and Agricola, November 4
32views 1shareMartyrs Vitalis was Agrícola’s slave; but so intrepid in suffering for Christ that he dragged his master along with his example, and had him as a companion in martyrdom. V/. Saints…
St. Charles Borromeo, November 4
20views 1shareBishop and Confessor He is one of the most distinguished promoters of the Catholic reform. Nephew of Pope Pius IV, he was Secretary of State at the age of twenty-two, and…
Commemoration of all the faithful departed, November 2
25views 1shareCatholic Feast The Church, as a pious mother, dresses in mourning, and strives to appease God in favor of those souls who died in grace, but are detained in the prisons…
Saints Simon and Judas Thaddaeus, October 28
28views 1shareApostles Simon Canaanite (from Cana of Galilee) was called Zealot because of his zeal for the law. Judas Tadeo was the brother of St. James the Less and the son of…
Commemoration of Saint Evaristus, October 26
24views 1sharePope and Martyr Evaristus, Greek, fifth successor of Saint Peter, ruled the Church for nine years; He ordered that the Christian marriage be celebrated publicly and with the blessing of the…
Commemoration of Saints Chrysanthus and Daria, October 25
32views 1shareMartyrs In Rome, Crisanto converted his wife Daria to the faith of Christ; and both consecrated themselves to convert other pagans, for which they were buried alive with stones and earth….
Saint Raphael, October 24
34views 1shareArchangel Raphael means medicine of God. Saint Raphael is one of the seven spirits that assist in the presence of God. He was sent to heal blind Tobias, the old man,…
Saint Anthony Mary Claret, October 23
12views 1shareBishop and Confessor A distinguished apostle of the 19th century, he first exercised the parish ministry, which he left for the missions and Spiritual Exercises, with which he evangelized almost all…
Saint Ursula and companions, October 21
32views 1shareVirgins and Martyrs Ursula and her companions, to preserve their virginity, fled from the ferocity of the Huns; but these, finding them near Cologne, took their lives. V/. Saint Ursula.R/. Pray…
Commemoration of St. Hilarion the Great, October 21
36views 1shareAbbot A fifteen-year-old boy, he traveled to Egypt and learned from the great Saint Anthony the Abbot the way of holiness. Returning to Palestine, his homeland, he withdrew to the desert,…