24views 0shareElias, fleeing from Jezabel, is fed by an angel in the desert; and by the strength of that food walketh forty days, till he cometh to Horeb, where he hath a…
Category: Archive
The Lord is the inheritance of the priests and Levites – Deuteronomy, chapter 18
35views 0shareThe Lord is the inheritance of the priests and Levites. Heathenish abominations are to be avoided. The great PROPHET CHRIST is promised. False prophets must be slain. [1] The priests and…
The temple is filled with the glory of God – 2 Paralipomenon, chapter 5 (2 Chronicles)
15views 0shareThe ark is brought with great solemnity into the temple: the temple is filled with the glory of God. [1] Then Solomon brought in all the things that David his father…
Sara’s death and burial – Genesis, chapter 23
44views 0shareSara’s death and burial in the field bought of Ephron. [1] And Sara lived a hundred and twenty-seven years. [2] And she died in the city of Arbee which is Hebron,…
The ark is sent back to Bethsames – 1st Samuel, chapter 6 (1 Kings)
32views 0shareThe ark is sent back to Bethsames: where many are slain for looking through curiosity into it. [1] Now the ark of God was in the land of the Philistines seven…
Elias & Achab – 3rd Book of Kings, chapter 18
35views 0shareElias cometh before Achab. He convinceth the false prophets by bringing fire from heaven: he obtaineth rain by his prayer. [1] After many days the word of the Lord came to…
The distinction of clean and unclean animals – Leviticus, chapter 11
31views 0share[1] And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying: [2] Say to the children of Israel: These are the animals which you are to eat of all the living things…
Sophar – Book of Job, chapter 20, The Bible
34views 0shareSophar declares the shortness of the prosperity of the wicked: and their sudden downfall. [1] Then Sophar the Naamathite answered, and said: [2] Therefore various thoughts succeed one another in me,…
Young Tobias seeking a guide – Book of Tobias, chapter 5
24views 0shareYoung Tobias seeking a guide for his journey, the angel Raphael, in shape of a man, undertaketh this office. [1] Then Tobias answered his father, and said: I will do all…
The ornaments of the temple – 2 Paralipomenon, chapter 4 (2 Chronicles)
15views 0shareThe altar of brass, the molten sea upon twelve oxen, the ten loaves, the candlesticks and other vessels and ornaments of the temple. [1] He made also an altar of brass…
The duty of a king – Deuteronomy, chapter 17
5views 0shareVictims must be without blemish. Idolaters are to be slain. Controversies are to be decided by the high priest and council, whose sentence must be obeyed under pain of death. The…
The faith and obedience of Abraham – Genesis, chapter 22
28views 0shareThe faith and obedience of Abraham is proved in his readiness to sacrifice his son Isaac. He is stayed from the act by an angel. Former promises are renewed to him….
The Prophet Elias – 3rd Book of Kings, chapter 17
14views 0shareElias shutteth up the heaven from raining. He is fed by ravens, and afterwards by a widow of Sarephta. He raiseth the window’s son to life. [1] And Elias the Thesbite…
Nadab and Abiu – Leviticus, chapter 10
16views 0shareNadab and Abiu for offering strange fire, are burnt by fire. Priests are forbidden to drink wine, when they enter into the tabernacle. The law of eating the holy things. [1]…
Dagon twice falleth down before the ark – 1st Samuel, chapter 5 (1st Kings)
17views 0shareDagon twice falleth down before the ark. The Philistines are grievously afflicted, wherever the ark cometh. [1] And the Philistines took the ark of God, and carried it from the Stone…
Tobias giveth his son godly admonitions – Book of Tobias, chapter 4
28views 0shareTobias thinking he shall die, giveth his son godly admonitions: and telleth him of money he had lent to a friend. [1] Therefore when Tobias thought that his prayer was heard…
The prayer of Tobias – Tobit, chapter 3 (Book of Tobias)
34views 0shareThe prayer of Tobias, and of Sara, in their several afflictions, are heard by God, and the angel Raphael is sent to relieve them. [1] Then Tobias sighed, and began to…
The three principal solemnities to be observed – Deuteronomy, chapter 16
23views 0shareThe three principal solemnities to be observed: just judges to be appointed in every city: all occasions of idolatry to be avoided. [1] Observe the month of new corn, which is…
The temple – 2 Paralipomenon, chapter 3 (2 Chronicles)
28views 0shareThe plan and ornaments of the temple: the cherubims, the veil, and the pillars. [1] And Solomon began to build the house of the Lord in Jerusalem, in mount Moria, which…
Isaac is born – Genesis, chapter 21
26views 0shareAgar and Ismael are cast forth. [1] And the Lord visited Sara, as he had promised: and fulfilled what he had spoken. [2] And she conceived and bore a son in…