born A.D. 1331 or 1332 – died A.D. 24 March 1381
St. Catherine of Vadstena was daughter of St. Bridget of Sweden. She persuaded her husband to take a vow of absolute chastity, and both lived in a state of virginity.
St. Catherine became head of the convent founded by her saintly mother.
She wrote a pious work titled, “Consolation of the Soul” (in medieval Swedish Siælinna tröst, or Själens tröst in modern Swedish); according to some sources a dated copy from 1407 is still in existence.
St. Catherine worked towards the canonization of her mother in Rome. She had a close friendship with St. Catherine of Siena.
V: Saint Catherine of Vadstena.
A: Pray for us.

TITLE: The Four Last Things: Death. Judgment. Hell. Heaven. “Remember thy last end, and thou shalt never sin.” a Traditional Catholic Classic for Spiritual Reform.
AUTHOR: Father Martin Von Cochem
EDITOR: Pablo Claret
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