V/. MOST Holy Trinity, FATHER, SON, and HOLY GHOST, Three Persons and one GOD, we adore Thee, and with all the love of our whole hearts we give Thee thanks for the high gifts and privileges granted to Mary most holy in her glorious and Immaculate Conception.
R/. Gloria PATRI thrice, and Ave Maria once.
V/. MOST Holy Trinity, FATHER, SON, and HOLY GHOST, we adore Thee, and with all the love of our whole hearts we give Thee thanks for the high gifts and privileges granted to Mary most holy in her
glorious Nativity.
R/. Gloria PATRI thrice, and Ave Maria once.
V/. MOST Holy Trinity, FATHER, SON, and HOLY GHOST, we adore Thee, and with all the love of our whole hearts we give Thee thanks for the high gifts and privileges granted to Mary most holy in her
glorious Presentation in the Temple.
R/. Gloria PATRI thrice, and Ave Maria once.
V/. MOST Holy Trinity, FATHER, SON, and HOLY GHOST, we adore Thee, and with all the love of our whole hearts we give Thee thanks for the high gifts and privileges granted to Mary most holy in her
glorious Annunciation.
R/. Gloria PATRI thrice, and Ave Maria once.
V/. MOST Holy Trinity, FATHER, SON, and HOLY GHOST, we adore Thee, and with all the love of our whole hearts we give Thee thanks for the high gifts and privileges granted to Mary most holy in her
glorious Visitation.
R/. Gloria PATRI thrice, and Ave Maria once.
V/. MOST Holy Trinity, FATHER, SON, and HOLY GHOST, we adore Thee, and with all the love of our whole hearts we give Thee thanks for the high gifts and privileges granted to Mary most holy in her
glorious Purification.
R/. Gloria PATRI thrice, and Ave Maria once.
V/. MOST Holy Trinity, FATHER, SON, and HOLY GHOST, we adore Thee, and with all the love of our whole hearts we give Thee thanks for the high gifts and privileges granted to Mary most holy in her most glorious Assumption.
R/. Gloria PATRI thrice, and Ave Maria once.
V/. LASTLY, we give Thee most hearty thanks, for that Thou hast exalted and glorified the most holy and most sweet name of Mary throughout the whole world.
Prayer to the most Holy Virgin.
V/. MARY, dear Mother! Mother most amiable! tender Mother! Mother full of love and sweetness for thy clients and children! We pray thee, by this our loving act of thanksgiving to the Most Holy Trinity, obtain for all of us grace ever to employ the powers of our souls, and our bodily senses, to the honor and glory of GOD, one in Three Persons, directing all our actions to Him, and loving Him with pure hearts, even as thou didst love Him here on earth; that thus we may be able to attain to the enjoyment of Him in the bliss
of heaven with thee for ever and ever.
Bless us in the name of the FATHER, and of the SON, and of the HOLY GHOST.
All say the Salve Regina.
V/. Let us bless the FATHER, SON, and HOLY GHOST.
R/. Let us praise and exalt Him above all for ever.
Let us pray.
V/. ALMIGHTY and eternal GOD, who hast given to us thy servants grace by the confession of the true faith to acknowledge the glory of the eternal Trinity, and in the power of thy Majesty to worship the Unity; grant, we beseech Thee, that by the firmness of this our faith we may ever be defended from all adversities.
Through CHRIST our LORD.
R/. Amen.
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