30views 0shareThe tabernacle is commanded to be set up and anointed. God filleth it with his majesty. [1] And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: [2] The first month, the first day…
Category: Archive
God promise to his people – Deuteronomy, chapter 7
18views 0shareNo league nor fellowship to be made with the Chanaanites: God promiseth his people his blessing and assistance, if they keep his commandments. [1] When the Lord thy God shall have…
The Israelites are twice defeated – Judges, chapter 20
28views 0shareThe Israelites warring against Benjamin are twice defeated; but in the third battle the Benjamites are all slain, saving six hundred men. [1] Then all the children of Israel went out…
The call of Abram – Genesis 12
22views 0share[1] And the promise made to him. He sojourneth in Chanaan, and then by occasion of a famine, goeth down to Egypt. And the Lord said to Abram: Go forth out…
The ornaments of Aaron and his sons – Exodus, chapter 39
32views 0shareAll the ornaments of Aaron and his sons are made. And the whole work of the tabernacle is finished. [1] And he made, of violet and purple, scarlet and fine linen,…
An exhortation to the love of God, and obedience to his law – Deuteronomy, chapter 6
21views 1share[1] These are the precepts, and ceremonies, and judgments, which the Lord your God commanded that I should teach you, and that you should do them in the land into which…
David, King in Jerusalem, Chapter 5 – The Bible (2 Kings)
38views 0shareDavid is anointed king of all Israel. He taketh Jerusalem, and dwelleth there. He defeateth the Philistines. [1] Then all the tribes of Israel came to David in Hebron, saying: Behold…
The altar of the holocaust – Exodus, chapter 38
36views 0shareHe maketh the altar of holocaust. The brazen laver. The court with its pillars and hangings. The sum of what the people offered. [1] He made also the altar of holocaust…
The ten commandments are repeated and explained – Deuteronomy, chapter 5
35views 0share[1] And Moses called all Israel, and said to them: Hear, O Israel, the ceremonies and judgments, which I speak in your ears this day: learn them, and fulfill them in…
Victory for the Jews. Esther, Chapter 9 – The Bible
35views 0shareThe Jews kill their enemies that would have killed them. The days of Phurim are appointed to be kept holy. [1] So on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, which…
Beseleel maketh the ark – Exodus, chapter 37
32views 0shareBeseleel maketh the ark: the propitiatory, and cherubims, the table, the candlestick, the lamps, and the altar of incense, and compoundeth the incense. [1] And Beseleel made also the ark of…
History of Solomon’s Reign. 2 Paralipomenon, Chapter 1 – The Bible
60views 0shareSolomon offereth sacrifices at Gabaon. His choice of wisdom which God giveth him. [1] And Solomon the son of David was strengthened in his kingdom, and the Lord his God was…
The offerings – Exodus, chapter 36
22views 0shareThe offerings are delivered to the workmen, the curtains, coverings, boards, bars, veil, pillars, and hanging are made. [1] Beseleel, therefore, and Ooliab, and every wise man, to whom the Lord…
The altar. Exodus, Chapter 27 – The Bible
51views 0shareThe altar; and the court of the tabernacle with its hangings and pillars. Provision of oil for lamps. [1] Thou shalt make also an altar of setim wood, which shall be…
The sabbath – Exodus, chapter 35
22views 0shareThe sabbath. Offerings for making the tabernacle. Beseleel and Ooliab are called to the work. [1] And all the multitude of the children of Israel being gathered together, he said to…
Humanity towards neighbours. Deuteronomy, Chapter 22 – The Bible
26views 0shareHumanity towards neighbours. Neither sex may use the apparel of the other. Cruelty to be avoided even to birds. Battlements about the roof of a house. Things of divers kinds not…
Catholic Books & Audiobooks – Gumroad
29views 2sharesWe present below our catalog of Catholic Books and Audiobooks listed on the Gumroad platform, if you are a Gumroad user and therefore prefer to buy our products on that platform,…
Moses & the tables – Exodus, chapter 34
39views 0shareThe tables are renewed: all society with the Chanaanites is forbid: some precepts concerning the firstborn, the sabbath, and other feasts: after forty days’ fast, Moses returneth to the people with…
Isboseth is murdered. 2 Samuel, Chapter 4 – The Bible (2 Kings)
48views 0shareIsboseth is murdered by two of his servants. David punisheth the murderers. [1] And Isboseth the son of Saul heard that Abner was slain in Hebron: and his hands were weakened,…
The people mourn for their sin – Exodus, chapter 33
24views 0shareThe people mourn for their sin. Moses pitcheth the tabernacle without the camp. He converseth familiarly with God. Desireth to see his glory. [1] And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:…