35views 0shareDavid goeth again to Achis king of Geth, and obtaineth of him the city of Siceleg. [1] And David said in his heart: I shall one day or other fall into…
Category: Archive
The reign of Osee – 4th Book of Kings, chapter 17
51views 0shareThe reign of Osee. The Israelites for their sins are carried into captivity: other inhabitants are sent to Samaria, who make a mixture of religion. [1] In the twelfth year of…
The wicked reign of Achaz – 4th Book of Kings, chapter 16
42views 0shareThe wicked reign of Achaz: the kings of Syria and Israel war against him: he hireth the king of the Assyrians to assist him: he causeth an altar to be made…
The age and time of the Levites’ service: their offices and burdens – Numbers, chapter 4
44views 0share[1] And the Lord spoke to Moses, and Aaron, saying: [2] Take the sum of the sons of Caath from the midst of the Levites, by their houses and families. [3]…
The Israelites are defeated at Hai – Joshua, chapter 7
34views 0shareFor the sins of Achan, the Israelites are defeated at Hai. The offender is found out; and stoned to death, and God’s wrath is turned from them. [1] But the children…
The sons of Jacob – Genesis, chapter 43
26views 0shareThe sons of Jacob go again into Egypt with Benjamin. They are entertained by Joseph. [1] In the mean time the famine was heavy upon all the land. [2] And when…
The Prayer of Judith – Book of Judith, chapter 12
45views 0shareJudith goeth out in the night to pray: she is invited to a banquet with Holofernes. [1] Then he ordered that she should go in where his treasures were laid up,…
Of the power of God in the behemoth and the leviathan – Book of Job, chapter 40
40views 0share[1] And the Lord answering Job out of the whirlwind, said: [2] Gird up thy loins like a man: I will ask thee, and do thou tell me. [3] Wilt thou…
Amasias’ reign – 2 Paralipomenon, chapter 25 (2 Chronicles)
7views 0shareAmasias’ reign: he beginneth well, but endeth ill: he is overthrown by Joas, and slain by his people. [1] Amasias was five and twenty years old when he began to reign,…
David respects the life of Saul – 1 Samuel, chapter 26 (1st Kings)
16views 0shareSaul goeth out again after David, who cometh by night where Saul and his men are asleep, but suffereth him not to be touched. Saul again confesseth his fault, and promiseth…
Azarias – 4th Book of Kings, chapter 15
15views 0shareThe reign of Azarias, and Joatham in Juda: and of Zacharias, Sellum, Manahem, Phaceia, and Phacee in Israel. [1] In the seven and twentieth year of Jeroboam king of Israel reigned…
The Levites are numbered – Numbers, chapter 3
6views 0shareThe Levites are numbered and their offices distinguished. They are taken in the place of the firstborn of the children of Israel. [1] These are the generations of Aaron and Moses…
Jacob sendeth his ten sons to buy corn in Egypt – Genesis, chapter 42
13views 0shareJacob sendeth his ten sons to buy corn in Egypt. Their treatment by Joseph. [1] And Jacob hearing that food was sold in Egypt, said to his sons: Why are ye…
Judith’s speech to Holofernes – Book of Judith, chapter 11
27views 1share[1] Then Holofernes said to her: Be of good comfort, and fear not in thy heart: for I have never hurt a man that was willing to serve Nabuchodonosor the king….
The walls of Jericho fall down – Joshua, chapter 6
14views 0shareAfter seven days’ processions, the priests sounding the trumpets, the walls of Jericho fall down: and the city is taken and destroyed. [1] Now Jericho was close shut up and fenced,…
The providence of God – Book of Job, chapter 39
10views 0shareThe wonders of the power and providence of God in many of his creatures. [1] Knowest thou the time when the wild goats bring forth among the rocks, or hast thou…
Joiada – 2 Paralipomenon, chapter 24 (2 Chronicles)
19views 0shareJoas reigneth well all the days of Joiada: afterwards falleth into idolatry and causeth Zacharias to be slain. He is slain himself by his servants. [1] Joas was seven years old…
The death of Samuel – 1 Samuel, chapter 25 (1st Kings)
16views 0shareThe death of Samuel. David, provoked by Nabal, threateneth to destroy him: but is appeased by Abigail. [1] And Samuel died, and all Israel was gathered together, and they mourned for…
Amasias reigneth in Juda – 4th Book of Kings, chapter 14
8views 0shareAmasias reigneth in Juda: he overcometh the Edomites: but is overcome by Joas king of Israel. Jereboam the second reigneth in Israel. [1] In the second year of Joas son of…
The order of the tribes in their camp – Numbers, chapter 2
3views 0share[1] And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying: [2] All the children of Israel shall camp by their troops, ensigns, and standards, and the houses of their kindreds, round…