38views 0shareDavid is anointed king of all Israel. He taketh Jerusalem, and dwelleth there. He defeateth the Philistines. [1] Then all the tribes of Israel came to David in Hebron, saying: Behold…
Author: Celestine Claret
Victory for the Jews. Esther, Chapter 9 – The Bible
36views 0shareThe Jews kill their enemies that would have killed them. The days of Phurim are appointed to be kept holy. [1] So on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, which…
History of Solomon’s Reign. 2 Paralipomenon, Chapter 1 – The Bible
60views 0shareSolomon offereth sacrifices at Gabaon. His choice of wisdom which God giveth him. [1] And Solomon the son of David was strengthened in his kingdom, and the Lord his God was…
The altar. Exodus, Chapter 27 – The Bible
51views 0shareThe altar; and the court of the tabernacle with its hangings and pillars. Provision of oil for lamps. [1] Thou shalt make also an altar of setim wood, which shall be…
Humanity towards neighbours. Deuteronomy, Chapter 22 – The Bible
26views 0shareHumanity towards neighbours. Neither sex may use the apparel of the other. Cruelty to be avoided even to birds. Battlements about the roof of a house. Things of divers kinds not…
Isboseth is murdered. 2 Samuel, Chapter 4 – The Bible (2 Kings)
49views 0shareIsboseth is murdered by two of his servants. David punisheth the murderers. [1] And Isboseth the son of Saul heard that Abner was slain in Hebron: and his hands were weakened,…
Edict in favor of the Jews. Esther, Chapter 8 – The Bible
22views 0shareMardochai is advanced: Aman’s letters are reversed. [1] On that day king Assuerus gave the house of Aman, the Jews’ enemy, to queen Esther, and Mardochai came in before the king….
The abode or habitation. Exodus, Chapter 26 – The Bible
46views 0shareThe form of the tabernacle with its appurtenances. [1] And thou shalt make the tabernacle in this manner: Thou shalt make ten curtains of fine twisted linen, and violet and purple,…
Voluntary contributions for the building of the temple. 1 Paralipomenon, Chapter 29 – The Bible
36views 0shareDavid by word and example encourageth the princes to contribute liberally to the building of the temple. His thanksgiving, prayer, and sacrifices: his death. [1] And king David said to all…
The expiation of a secret murder. Deuteronomy, Chapter 21 – The Bible
31views 0shareThe expiation of a secret murder. The marrying a captive. The eldest son must not be deprived of his birthright for hatred of his mother. A stubborn son is to be…
Civil war between the house of David and the house of Saul, 2 Samuel, Chapter 3 – The Bible (2 Kings)
70views 0shareDavid groweth daily stronger. Abner cometh over to him: he is treacherously slain by Joab. [1] Now there was a long war between the house of Saul and the house of…
Esther, Chapter 7, Old Testament – The Bible
42views 0shareEsther’s petition for herself and her people: Aman is hanged upon the gibbet he had prepared for Mardochai. [1] So the king and Aman went in, to drink with the queen….
Making the tabernacle, Exodus, Chapter 25 – The Bible
67views 0shareOfferings prescribed for making the tabernacle, the ark, the candlestick, etc. [1] And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: [2] Speak to the children of Israel, that they bring firstfruits to…
The Divine Motherhood of Our Lady, October 11
76views 1shareCatholic Feast The most glorious title of the Blessed Virgin, and the reason for all her greatness and privileges, is to be the Mother of God. At the celebration of the…
David’s recommendations to Solomon for the temple. 1 Paralipomenon, Chapter 28 – The Bible
76views 0shareDavid’s speech, in a solemn assembly: his exhortation to Solomon. He giveth him a pattern of the temple. [1] And David assembled all the chief men of Israel, the princes of…
The war. Deuteronomy, Chapter 20 – The Bible
50views 0shareLaws relating to war. [1] If thou go out to war against thy enemies, and see horsemen and chariots, and the numbers of the enemy’s army greater than thine, thou shalt…
David, King of Juda, 2 Samuel, Chapter 2 – The Bible (2 Kings)
51views 2sharesDavid is received and anointed king of Juda. Isboseth the son of Saul reigneth over the rest of Israel. A battle between Abner and Joab. [1] And after these things David…
Judith’s prayer, Book of Judith, Chapter 9 – The Bible
58views 2sharesJudith’s prayer, to beg of God to fortify her in her undertaking. [1] And when they were gone, Judith went into her oratory: and putting on haircloth, laid ashes on her…
Saint Nicholas of Tolentino, September 10
180views 1shareConfessor. Glory of the Order of Hermits of Saint Augustine, Saint Nicholas is one of the most miraculous Saints in the Church. But the greatest of his miracles was putting an…
Commemoration of Saint Gorgonius of Nicomedia, September 9
132views 1shareMartyr. Employed in Diocletian’s imperial palace, he converted all his companions to the faith. In the end, he and Doroteo, hanged and torn apart, their entrails split open and sprinkled with…