30views 1shareMartyrs Perpetua was a twenty-two-year-old lady, with a few months old baby; she resisted the assault of her old father, who presented her little boy to him to turn her away…
Category: Archive
Saint Lucius I, March 4
26views 1sharePope and Martyr Exiled as a result of his election, he ruled for a few months, but with great activity and success, the Church. Returned to Rome, he died because of…
Saint Casimir, March 4
27views 1shareConfessor Second son of the King of Poland, beautiful in body and more beautiful in soul, very devoted to the Virgin, very harsh in life, extremely jealous of the purity of…
St. Leander, February 27
30views 1shareBishop, Confessor and Doctor He was a native of Cartagena, brother of three Saints: Fulgencio, Isidoro and Florentina. He converted Prince Saint Hermenegildo to Catholicism, who sealed his faith with his…
St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, February 27
27views 1shareConfessor He was born in Assisi in 1838, and in just twenty-four years he reached the peak of holiness. At seventeen, disillusioned with the world, he entered the Congregation of Passionists….
Saint Matias, February 24
20views 1shareApostle The choice of Saint Matthias for the place that the traitor Judas lost is meticulously related in the Epistle. He preached in Judea, and carried the Gospel into the interior…
St. Peter Damian, February 23
24views 1shareBishop, Confessor and Doctor He was born in Ravenna, of poor parents, He became a Camaldolese religious and was later appointed Cardinal Bishop of Ostia. He lived with exemplary austerity, and…
The Chair of San Peter in Antioquia, February 22
21views 1shareCatholic Feast Antioch, the second capital of the Empire, received the apostolic preaching very early. In it the faithful began to call themselves Christians; to that city St. Peter temporarily transferred…
Commemoration of Saint Simeon, February 18
44views 1shareBishop and Martyr He was a close relative of Christ, as the son of Cleopas and Mary, the Virgin’s first cousin. He was the second Bishop of Jerusalem, after James the…
Commemoration of Saints Faustino and Jovita, February 15
30views 1shareMartyrs They were two brothers who, in times of persecution, when the Bishop went into hiding, encouraged the faithful. Refusing to deny Christ, they were, by order of Trajan, beheaded in…
Commemoration of St. Valentine, February 14
20views 1sharePresbyter and Martyr Priest of Rome, chained by order of the Emperor Claudius, miraculously cured the daughter of the jailer, who became a Christian; For this he was beheaded on February…
The Seven Founding Saints of the Servites, February 12
10views 1shareConfessor Seven wealthy Florentine merchants left the world and devoted themselves to the affectionate meditation of the sorrows of the Blessed Virgin. The people called them “Servants of Mary” V/. Holy…
Apparition of Lourdes, February 11th
21views 1shareCatholic Feast In Lourdes, four years after the dogmatic definition of the Immaculate Conception, the Blessed Virgin appeared to a simple shepherd (Saint Mary Bernadette), and said: “I am the Immaculate…
St. Scholastica, February 10th
21views 1shareVirgin Twin sister of Saint Benedict, she consecrated her virginity to God in the cloister. Three days before her death, he had a famous spiritual conversation with her holy brother, who…
Saint Apollonia, February 9
11views 1shareVirgin and Martyr A native of Alexandria, she courageously confessed her faith in the persecution of Decius, for which her teeth were pulled out. Seeing the bonfire prepared, carried away by…
Cyril of Alexandria, February 9
27views 1shareBishop, Confessor and Doctor Saint Cyril, Patriarch of Alexandria, is the glorious champion of the doctrine that proclaims Mary as the Mother of God, the most glorious privilege of Mary, against…
St. John of Matha, February 8th
25views 1shareConfessor The glorious founder of the Order of the Holy Trinity, for the redemption of Christian captives, had Saint Felix de Valois as a collaborator in this work. He worked mainly…
St. Romualdo, February 7th
13views 1shareAbbot At the age of twenty he became a monk at Monte Cassino. Desiring greater perfection, he retired to a hermitic life. He then came to Spain, and at the beginning…
Saint Dorothea, February 6
27views 1shareVirgin and Martyr She was beheaded in Caesarea in Cappadocia. She is an advocate for gardeners and florists, and also for young spouses. V/. St. DorotheaR/. Pray for us. 27views 1share
Saint Titus, February 6th
22views 1shareBishop and Confessor He was a disciple of Saint Paul, who named him Bishop of Crete, and addressed him a wonderful letter, full of precious advice on the pastoral charge. He…