25views 0shareJehu prophesieth against Baasa: his son Ela is slain and all his family destroyed by Zambri. Of the reign of Amri father of Achab. [1] Then the word of the Lord…
Category: Archive
Aaron offereth sacrifice for himself and the people – Leviticus, chapter 9
30views 0shareAaron offereth sacrifice for himself and the people. Fire cometh from the Lord upon the altar. [1] And when the eighth day was come, Moses called Aaron and his sons, and…
The Israelites and the Philistines – 1st Samuel, chapter 4 (1 kings)
29views 0shareThe Israelites being overcome by the Philistines, send for the ark of God: but they are beaten again, the sons of Heli are killed, and the ark taken: upon the hearing…
The law of the seventh year of remission – Deuteronomy, chapter 15
26views 0shareThe firstlings of cattle are to be sanctified to the Lord. [1] In the seventh year thou shalt make a remission, [2] Which shall be celebrated in this order. He to…
Samuel is four times called by the Lord – 1st Samuel, chapter 3 (1 kings)
26views 0shareSamuel is four times called by the Lord: who revealeth to him the evil that shall fall on Heli, and his house. [1] Now the child Samuel ministered to the Lord…
Solomon’s embassy to Hiram – 2 Paralipomenon, chapter 2 (2 Chronicles)
37views 0shareSolomon’s embassy to Hiram, who sends him a skilful workman and timber. [1] And Solomon determined to build a house to the name of the Lord, and a palace for himself….
Abraham sojourned in Gerara – Genesis, chapter 20
22views 0shareAbraham sojourned in Gerara: Sara is taken into king Abimelech’s house, but by God’s commandment is restored untouched. [1] Abraham removed from thence to the south country, and dwelt between Cades…
The acts of Abiam and of Asa kings of Juda – 3rd Book of Kings, chapter 15
29views 0shareThe acts of Abiam and of Asa kings of Juda. And of Nadab and Baasa kings of Israel. [1] Now in the eighteenth year of the reign of Jeroboam the son…
Moses consecrateth Aaron and his sons – Leviticus, chapter 8
40views 0shareMoses consecrateth Aaron and his sons. [1] And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: [2] Take Aaron with his sons, their vestments, and the oil of unction, a calf for sin,…
Be ye children of the Lord your God – Deuteronomy, chapter 14
23views 0shareIn mourning for the dead they are not to follow the ways of the Gentiles: the distinction of clean and unclean meats: ordinances concerning tithes, and firstfruits. [1] Be ye children…
Corruption of Sodom – Genesis, chapter 19
14views 0shareLot, entertaining Angels in his house, is delivered from Sodom, which is destroyed: his wife for looking back is turned into a statue of salt. [1] And the two angels came…
The canticle of Anna – 1st Samuel (1 kings) chapter 2
33views 0shareThe canticle of Anna. The wickedness of the sons of Heli: for which they are not duly corrected by their father. A prophecy against the house of Heli. [1] My heart…
Ahias prophesieth the destruction of the family of Jeroboam – 3rd Books of Kings, chapter 14
27views 0shareAhias prophesieth the destruction of the family of Jeroboam. He dieth, and is succeeded by his son Nadab. The king of Egypt taketh and pillageth Jerusalem. Roboam dieth and his son…
Of sacrifices for trespasses and thanks offerings – Leviticus, chapter 7
30views 0shareOf sacrifices for trespasses and thanks offerings. No fat nor blood is to be eaten. [1] This also is the law of the sacrifice for a trespass, it is most holy:…
False prophets must be slain, and idolatrous cities destroyed – Deuteronomy, chapter 13
34views 0share[1] If there rise in the midst of thee a prophet or one that saith he hath dreamed a dream, and he foretell a sign and a wonder, [2] And that…
Angels are entertained by Abraham – Genesis, chapter 18
19views 0shareThey foretell the birth of Isaac. Abraham’s prayer for the men of Sodom. [1] And the Lord appeared to him in the vale of Mambre as he was sitting at the…
Anna the wife of Elcana – 1st Book of Samuel (1 Kings) chapter 1
27views 0shareAnna the wife of Elcana being barren, by vow and prayer obtaineth a son: whom she calleth Samuel: and presenteth him to the service of God in Silo, according to her…
A prophet rebukes Jeroboam – 3rd Book of Kings, chapter 13
34views 0shareA prophet sent from Juda to Bethel foretelleth the birth of Josias, and the destruction of Jeroboam’s altar. Jeroboam’s hand offering violence to the prophet withereth, but is restored by the…
Oblation for sins of injustice – Leviticus, chapter 6
33views 0shareOblation for sins of injustice: ordinances concerning the holocausts and the perpetual fire: the sacrifices of the priests, and the sin offerings. [1] The Lord spoke to Moses, saying: [2] Whosoever…
All idolatry must be extirpated – Deuteronomy, chapter 12
37views 0shareAll idolatry must be extirpated: sacrifices, tithes, and firstfruits must be offered in one only place: all eating of blood is prohibited. [1] These are the precepts and judgments, that you…