10views 0share[1] Hear therefore, O Job, my speeches, and hearken to all my words. [2] Behold now I have opened my mouth, let my tongue speak within my jaws. [3] My words…
Category: Archive
Saul against David – 1st Samuel, chapter 19 (1st Kings)
5views 0shareOther attempts of Saul upon David’s life. He cometh to Samuel. Saul’s messengers, and Saul himself prophesy. [1] And Saul spoke to Jonathan his son and to all his servants, that…
The first kings of Edom – Genesis, chapter 36
13views 0shareEsau with his wives and children parteth from Jacob. An account of his descendants, and of the first kings of Edom. [1] And these are the generations of Esau, the same…
The children of Israel – Book of Judith, chapter 4, The Bible
19views 0shareThe children of Israel prepare themselves to resist Holofernes. They cry to the Lord for help. [1] Then the children of Israel, who dwelt in the land of Juda, hearing these…
Moses sees the promised land – Deuteronomy, chapter 34
3views 0shareMoses seeth the promised land, but is not suffered to go into it. He dieth at the age of 120 years. God burieth his body secretly, and all Israel mourn for…
Achab is slain – 2 Paralipomenon, chapter 18 (2 Chronicles)
16views 0shareJosaphat accompanies Achab in his expedition against Ramoth; where Achab is slain, as Micheas had foretold. [1] Now Josaphat was rich and very glorious, and was joined by affinity to Achab….
Holy days to be kept – Leviticus, chapter 23
8views 0share[1] And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: [2] Speak to the children of Israel, and thou shalt say to them: These are the feasts of the Lord, which you shall…
The seven years famine – 4th Book of Kings, chapter 8
9views 0shareAfter seven years’ famine foretold by Eliseus, the Sunamitess returning home, recovereth her lands, and revenues. Eliseus foresheweth the death of Benadad, king of Syria, and the reign of Hazael. Joram’s…
Eliu is angry with Job and his friends. He boasts of himself – Book of Job, chapter 32
2views 0share[1] So these three men ceased to answer Job, because he seemed just to himself. [2] And Eliu the son of Barachel the Buzite, of the kindred of Ram, was angry…
The friendship of Jonathan and David – 1st Samuel, chapter 18 (1st Kings)
8views 0shareThe friendship of Jonathan and David. The envy of Saul, and his design upon David’s life. He marrieth him to his daughter Michol. [1] And it came to pass, when he…
Holofernes – Book of Judith, chapter 3, The Bible
14views 0shareMany submit themselves to Holofernes. He destroyeth their cities, and their gods, that Nabuchodonosor only might be called God. [1] Then the kings and the princes of all the cities and…
Moses before his death blesseth the tribes of Israel – Deuteronomy, chapter 33
42views 0share[1] This is the blessing, wherewith the man of God Moses blessed the children of Israel, before his death. [2] And he said: The Lord came from Sinai, and from Seir…
Jacob purgeth his family from idols – Genesis, chapter 35
11views 0shareJacob purgeth his family from idols: goeth by God’s commandment to Bethel, and there buildeth an altar. God appearing again to Jacob blesseth him, and changeth his name into Israel. Rachel…
Josaphat’s reign – 2 Paralipomenon, chapter 17 (2 Chronicles)
22views 0shareJosaphat’s reign: his care for the instruction of his people: his numerous forces. [1] And Josaphat his son reigned in his stead, and grew strong against Israel. [2] And he placed…
Who may eat the holy things – Leviticus, chapter 22
28views 0shareWho may eat the holy things: and what things may be offered. [1] And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: [2] Speak to Aaron and to his sons, that they beware…
Dina is ravished – Genesis, chapter 34
25views 0shareDina is ravished, for which the Sichemites are destroyed. [1] And Dina the daughter of Lia went out to see the women of that country. [2] And when Sichem the son…
Eliseus – 4th Book of Kings, chapter 7
29views 0shareEliseus prophesieth a great plenty, which presently ensueth upon the sudden flight of the Syrians; of which four lepers bring the news to the city. The incredulous nobleman is trod to…
Job defends himself from the unjust judgments of his friends – Book of Job, chapter 31
25views 0shareJob, to defend himself from the unjust judgments of his friends, gives a sincere account of his own virtues. [1] I made a covenant with my eyes, that I would not…
War with the Philistines – 1st Samuel, chapter 17 (1st Kings)
28views 0shareWar with the Philistines. Goliath challengeth Israel. He is slain by David. [1] Now the Philistines gathering together their troops to battle, assembled at Socho of Juda, and camped between Socho…
Nabuchodonosor & Holofernes – Book of Judith, chapter 2
29views 0shareNabuchodonosor sendeth Holofernes to waste the countries of the west. [1] In the thirteenth year of the reign of Nabuchodonosor, the two and twentieth day of the first month, the word…