9views 0share[1] Eliu also proceeded, and said: [2] Suffer me a little, and I will shew thee: for I have yet somewhat to speak in God’s behalf. [3] I will repeat my…
Category: Archive
Joram’s wicked reign – 2 Paralipomenon, chapter 21 (2 Chronicles)
10views 0shareJoram’s wicked reign: his punishment and death. [1] And Josaphat slept with his fathers, and was buried with them in the city of David: and Joram his son reigned in his…
God’s promises to them that keep his commandments – Leviticus, chapter 26
8views 0shareGod’s promises to them that keep his commandments. And the many punishments with which he threatens transgressors. [1] I am the Lord your God: you shall not make to yourselves any…
Athalia – 4th Book of Kings, chapter 11
16views 0shareAthalia’s usurpation and tyranny. Joas is made king. Athalia is slain. [1] And Athalia the mother of Ochozias seeing that her son was dead, arose, and slew all the royal seed….
David receiveth holy bread of Achimelech – 1st Samuel, chapter 21 (1st Kings)
15views 1shareDavid receiveth holy bread of Achimelech, the priest: and feigneth himself mad before Achis, king of Geth. [1] And David came to Nobe to Achimelech the priest: and Achimelech was astonished…
The sons of Juda – Genesis, chapter 38
3views 0shareThe sons of Juda: the death of Her and Onan: the birth of Phares and Zara. [1] At that time Juda went down from his brethren, and turned in to a…
Achior in Bethulia – Book of Judith, chapter 6
15views 0shareHolofernes in great rage sendeth Achior to Bethulia, there to be slain with the Israelites. [1] And it came to pass when they had left off speaking, that Holofernes being in…
Two spies are sent to Jericho – Joshua, chapter 2
29views 0shareTwo spies are sent to Jericho, who are received and concealed by Rahab. [1] And Josue the son of Nun sent from Setim two men, to spy secretly: and said to…
Eliu – Book of Job, chapter 35, The Bible
18views 0shareEliu declares that the good or evil done by man cannot reach God. [1] Moreover Eliu spoke these words: [2] Doth thy thought seem right to thee, that thou shouldst say:…
Josaphat seeks God’s help – 2 Paralipomenon, chapter 20 (2 Chronicles)
19views 0shareThe Ammonites, Moabites, and Syrians combine against Josaphat: he seeketh God’s help by public prayer and fasting. A prophet foretelleth that God will fight for his people: the enemies destroy one…
The law of the seventh and of the fiftieth year of jubilee – Leviticus, chapter 25
10views 0share[1] And the Lord spoke to Moses in mount Sinai, saying: [2] Speak to the children of Israel, and thou shalt say to them: When you shall have entered into the…
Jehu destroyeth the house of Achab – 4th Book of Kings, chapter 10
18views 0shareJehu destroyeth the house of Achab: abolisheth the worship of Baal, and killeth the worshippers: but sticketh to the calves of Jeroboam. Israel is afflicted by the Syrians. [1] And Achab…
Eliu unjustly charges Job with blasphemy – Book of Job, chapter 34
4views 0shareEliu charges Job with blasphemy: and sets forth the power and justice of God. [1] And Eliu continued his discourse, and said: [2] Hear ye, wise men, my words, and ye…
Saul continues to try to kill David – 1st Samuel, chapter 20 (1st Kings)
14views 0shareSaul being obstinately bent upon killing David, he is sent away by Jonathan. [1] But David fled from Najoth, which is in Ramatha, and came and said to Jonathan: What have…
Joseph’s dreams – Genesis, chapter 37
4views 0shareJoseph’s dreams: he is sold by his brethren, and carried into Egypt. [1] And Jacob dwelt in the land of Chanaan wherein his father sojourned. [2] And these are his generations:…
Achior gives Holofernes an account of the people of Israel – Book of Judith, chapter 5
10views 0share[1] And it was told Holofernes the general of the army of the Assyrians, that the children of Israel prepared themselves to resist, and had shut up the ways of the…
Josue – Joshua, chapter 1, The Bible
20views 0shareJosue, encouraged by the Lord, admonisheth the people to prepare themselves to pass over the Jordan. [1] Now it came to pass after the death of Moses the servant of the…
Josaphat – 2 Paralipomenon, chapter 19 (2 Chronicles)
6views 0shareJosaphat’s charge to the judges and to the Levites. [1] And Josaphat king of Juda returned to his house in peace to Jerusalem. [2] And Jehu the son of Hanani the…
The oil for the lamps – Leviticus, chapter 24
14views 0shareThe oil for the lamps. The loaves of proposition. The punishment of blasphemy. [1] And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: [2] Command the children of Israel, that they bring unto…
Jehu is anointed king of Israel – 4th Book of Kings, chapter 9
28views 0shareJehu is anointed king of Israel, to destroy the house of Achab and Jezebel. He killeth Joram king of Israel, and Ochozias king of Juda. Jezebel is eaten by dogs. [1]…