11views 0share[1] My soul is weary of my life, I will let go my speech against myself, I will speak in the bitterness of my soul. [2] I will say to God:…
Category: Archive
The Death of David – 3rd Book of Kings, chapter 2
12views 0shareDavid, after giving his last charge to Solomon, dieth. Adonias is put to death: Abiathar is banished: Joab and Semei are slain. [1] And the days of David drew nigh that…
The enemies of Nehemias – Nehemiah, chapter 6 (2nd Book of Esdras)
15views 0shareThe enemies seek to terrify Nehemias. He proceedeth and finisheth the wall. [1] And it came to pass, when Sanaballat, and Tobias, and Gossem the Arabian, and the rest of our…
The ten commandments – Exodus, chapter 20
24views 0shareThe ten commandments. [1] And the Lord spoke all these words: [2] I am the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house…
The Madianites are slain – Numbers, chapter 31
8views 0shareThe Madianites are slain for having drawn the people of Israel into sin. The dividing of the booty. [1] And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: [2] Revenge first the children…
Thola ruleth Israel twenty-three years – Judges, chapter 10
27views 0shareThola ruleth Israel twenty-three years; and Jair twenty-two. The people fall again into idolatry, and are afflicted again by the Philistines and Ammonites. They cry to God for help, who upon…
David’s victories – 1 Paralipomenon, chapter 18 (1 Chronicles)
9views 0shareDavid’s victories. His chief officers. [1] And it came to pass after this, that David defeated the Philistines, and humbled them, and took away Geth, and her daughters out of the…
Job acknowledges God’s justice – Book of Job, chapter 9
6views 0shareJob acknowledges God’s justice: although He often afflicts the innocent. [1] And Job answered, and said: [2] Indeed I know it is so, and that man cannot be justified compared with…
King David in old age – 3rd Book of Kings, chapter 1
17views 0shareKing David growing old, Abisag a Sunamitess is brought to him. Adonias pretending to reign, Nathan and Bethsabee obtain that Solomon should be declared and anointed king. [1] Now king David…
Nehemias blameth the rich, for their oppressing the poor – Nehemiah, chapter 5
17views 0shareNehemias blameth the rich, for their oppressing the poor. His exhortation, and bounty to his countrymen. [1] Now there was a great cry of the people, and of their wives against…
David’s purpose to build a temple – 1 Paralipomenon, chapter 17 (1 Chronicles)
8views 0shareDavid’s purpose to build a temple, is rewarded by most ample promises: David’s thanksgiving. [1] Now when David was dwelling in his house, he said to Nathan the prophet: Behold I…
The Lord speaketh with Moses – Exodus, chapter 19
17views 0shareThey come to Sinai: the people are commanded to be sanctified. The Lord, coming in thunder and lightning, speaketh with Moses. [1] In the third month of the departure of Israel…
Of vows and oaths: and their obligation – Numbers, chapter 30
16views 0share[1] And Moses told the children of Israel all that the Lord had commanded him: [2] And he said to the princes of the tribes of the children of Israel: This…
Abimelech killeth his brethren – Judges, chapter 9
14views 0shareJoatham’s parable. Gaal conspireth with the Sichemites against Abimelech, but is overcome. Abimelech destroyeth Sichem: but is killed at Thebes. [1] And Abimelech the son of Jerobaal went to Sichem to…
Baldad – Book of Job, chapter 8, The Bible
15views 0shareBaldad, under pretence of defending the justice of God, accuses Job, and exhorts him to return to God. [1] The Baldad the Suhite answered, and said: [2] How long wilt thou…
Opposition to Building – Nehemiah, chapter 4 (2nd Book of Esdras)
18views 0shareThe building is carried on notwithstanding the opposition of their enemies. [1] And it came to pass, that when Sanaballat heard that we were building the wall he was angry: and…
The ark is placed in the tabernacle – 1 Paralipomenon, chapter 16 (1 Chronicles)
4views 0shareThe ark is placed in the tabernacle. Sacrifice is offered. David blesseth the people, disposeth the offices of Levites, and maketh a psalm of praise to God. [1] So they brought…
Jethro bringeth to Moses his wife and children – Exodus, chapter 18
7views 0shareJethro bringeth to Moses his wife and children. His counsel. [1] And when Jethro the priest of Madian, the kinsman of Moses, had heard all the things that God had done…
Sacrifices for the festivals of the seventh month – Numbers, chapter 29
10views 0share[1] The first day also of the seventh month shall be venerable and holy unto you; you shall do no servile work therein, because it is the day of the sounding…
Gedeon appeaseth the Ephraimites – Judges, chapter 8
14views 0shareGedeon appeaseth the Ephraimites. Taketh Zebee and Salmana. Destroyeth Soccoth and Phanuel. Refuseth to be king. Maketh an ephod of the gold of the prey, and dieth in a good old…